Aida Reise mit Flug?
Hallo, ich habe vor im April mit Aida eine Reise zu machen.
Ich bin vorher noch nie geflogen zu einer Aida Reise bisher immer nur ab HH und Kiel und möchte gerne eine Tour ab Gran Canaria fahren.
Wie genau läuft das ab, wenn man einen Flug über Aida bucht. Bekommt man eine Abflugszeit vorgegeben oder kann man da auch wählen, ich weiß wohl das man den Flughafen selbst wählen.
Der Flughafen ist aber an sich egal er sollte aber im Norden oder Westen sein, z.b. Hamburg, Bremen, Hannover, Köln/Bonn, Düsseldorf.
Ist es manchmal evtl. schlauer einen Flug selber zu buchen und dann ein Tag früher zu fliegen damit man Safe ist bei Ausfällen
For the Canary Islands there is usually only one flight per airport, the times you don’t get 3 months before, partly also a lot more short-term. Of course, you can choose from the available airports, but the price is often different. Of course, you can also book your own flights, here you can save a lot, but then the risk is when the flight is managed to take care of replacements. Couple days before, I’ll do it. The island is small therefore transfer by taxi is also easy. Since prices are the same everywhere, let yourself be advised by specialists who are sympathetic to you. You can call the intermediary directly and get all the information.
Contact any suitable travel agency. The shipping company AIDA is only in liability if you book it as a complete package. If you book it separately then it is your own arrival and own risk.
Gran Canaria would of course also be well suited for a week holiday DAVOR, then the risk of missing the ship is also equal to zero. Otherwise, I’d advise you to try something better. TUI My ship is significantly more high-quality than Aida, which I like to name as a plastic butter fleet.
All these offices can advise you.
If you book this as a flat-rate travel with flight, Aida must take care of rebooking if a flight fails or has delays, for example.
On the other hand, if you arrive yourself, it is your responsibility to be with the ship in time. For this, you have the advantage that you can leave sooner or later and have more from the first/last port.
With Aida I don’t know, at MeinSchiff I was able to choose between different airports and times, where there was generally not much choice, because only a few lines chartered.