Aggressive guy at school what to do?

I'm currently in the 4th grade of secondary school and there's someone in my class who's really getting on my nerves. He always acts tough even though he always has to come with 6 people to settle arguments. He even pulled down someone in our class's pants and made fun of how small his genitals are. I'm thinking about teaching the guy a lesson. The problem is that the guy is 1.90m tall and I look like a small fish in comparison. I often take a glass bottle (of Coke) with me to drink because they taste better. I'm thinking about hitting him on the head if he attacks me (which has thankfully never happened). The main problem though is the teachers and because they don't do anything I've told them so 100 times and it feels like they're not doing anything even though the guy should have been expelled long ago. What would you do?

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2 months ago

Option 1 (and probably the most reasonable): You go home with your parents together with their parents… most often the children are afraid of their own parents…

Option 2

You collect dog jersey in a small bag and do it either in his mailbox or his backpack … then a polenböller in it and the fun can go.

Option 3:

You film all the bad things he does and go to the police with your parents to report.

Teachers have not done anything at my time…

2 months ago

No bottle is bad. Then better box with him if it must be.

2 months ago

Don’t worry about the bottle, something can end fatal.

2 months ago

You won’t have anything else to tell your parents to talk to the teachers/director