Aggressionen unter Kontrolle bringen?

Kann mir bitte jemand endlich sagen wie ich meine Aggressionen unter kontrolle bringe ? Ich bin in einem Aggressiven Haushalt aufgewachsen und jetzt bin ich es selber aber keiner versteht mich. Meine mutter fragt mich immer wieso ich so bin blablabla. Egal was passiert ich werde sofort aggressiv. Jemand fragt mich was dummes? Ich will der Person eine picken. Jemand sagt was dummes? ich werde sofort aggressiv. meine mutter fragt mich was? Ich will sie sofort schlagen. ich weis das klingt so komisch und so aber das ist leider die wahrheit. Egal was passiert ich bin so aggressiv. Bitte kann mir wer helfen ich kann das alles nicht mehr.

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8 months ago

It depends on the cause of your aggression and then you know what to do. Most of the time, it’s just therapy.

Maybe you’ve developed an anger due to your environment. There also helps a lot of sport, meditation and yoga Nidra.

I think you need to distance yourself from people who trigger you because in the long run you’re taking an extreme stress. Pull into your own apartment and be mindful if someone makes you aggressive and then go to a distance. There will be people who don’t make you aggressive.

8 months ago
Reply to  Lenii569

Why don’t you talk to the youth office and explain your situation then you can get out of it. Is it better than if you’re going through someday and end up in JVA?

8 months ago

No, no one has a miracle solution

You have to work on yourself. It is the circumstances in which you grew up owed that you are now so reaping. But it’s your responsibility to keep doing this.

Find therapeutic help. Talk to a school social worker or something.

8 months ago

Dan. count slowly from 10 to zero at any new agro thrust – in this time you should think about who it helps or hurts to blow up because of any shot..

8 months ago

Anti aggression training….

Otherwise, also a lot helps the interior setting…. just walk out of the situation and breathe deeply…. consider how to solve this problem properly…

This is how you never get rid of the old patterns….you only learn to deal with it..