Aftershave mit Cetearyl Alcohol als trockener Alkoholiker?

Ich habe ausversehen After Shave Balsam mit Cetearyl Alcohol gekauft und bin trockener Alkoholiker.
Auf der Vorderseite steht das kein Alkohol drin ist, aber unter den Inhaltsstoffen wird dann eben Cetearyl Alcohol aufgeführt.
Kann ich das After Shave nutzen oder kann das weg?

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1 year ago

You don’t get rid of the aftershave. That’s not a problem.

If you feel it smells like alcohol and that’s hard for you, then dispose of it.

1 year ago

Cetearyl alcohol has at least nothing to do with the intoxicating effect of drinking alcohol…

These (unprecipitating) alcohols are long-chained, therefore they are also solids (due to the Van der Waals forces). You can’t “trink” her either.

Besides, even if it had been ethanol, it would be contained in so low concentrations that you would not have noticed anything.

1 year ago

Do you realize that ‘alcohols’ are a chemical group of substances in which the drinking/ethyl alcohol is only the name generator?

The cetearyl alcohol has little to do with ethanol and is a rather waxy solid mixture!