affiliate marketing was sollte im Gewerbeschein stehen?
Welche angemeldeten Tätigkeiten im Gewerbe Schein sollten drin stehen, um Affiliate Marketing zu betreiben? Kann man auch Affiliate Marketing betreiben wenn E-Commerce und Online-Dienstleistungen im Gewerbe Schrein stehen?
Affiliate Marketing doesn’t say anything. You already have to specify the terms of the goods you want to trade with (e.g. textiles, foods, electrical goods, cosmetics, plants, beverages, jewelry, etc.).
Trade is not related to services. So you have to make an extension.
As affiliates, you advertise other brands/company/products. So you’re not trading with the corresponding goods. Therefore, you don’t have to have vegetable traders or other trade certificates. How about online marketing? You have a lot of opportunities and this also includes affiliate marketing. And yet @Geochelone: Affiliate Marketing says a lot. Any recommendation of products and receive a recommendation commission if a purchase is due to your recommendation.