Affiliate Marketing Steuern?

Wenn man ein Gewerbe angemeldet hat und dann das Geld verdient wie muss man das ganze mit Steuern und rechtlichen etc machen.

Muss man sein gewinn dokumentieren oder wie läuft das ganze ab und wie siehts aus mit den steuern werden die bei digistoure oder amazone automatisch abgezogen oder hat man ebenfalls weitere arbeit

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2 years ago

If you have registered a business and then the money deserves how to make the whole with taxes and legal etc…

Depends on which taxes you mean:

  • Income tax (depending on profit and other income)
  • Sales tax (depending on turnover)
  • or the trade tax (depends on profit)???

You have to document your profit…

Yes clearly – based on your income surplus transactions (EÜR) like e.g. B. here in

Greetings siola55

2 years ago

According to §138 AO, you must register your commercial activity with the competent municipality. This is reported to the tax office.

You will be asked to fill out a questionnaire for tax collection (FsE) and forward it electronically, so you can also make it parallel. Accelerate the procedure.

The tax office will then check your inputs and assign a tax number to you. For “online trading” on Marketplace such as eBay, Etsy and co, you still need a USt ID to prove that you are taxed.

If you expect more than €2,000, the small business operator scheme according to §19 UStG is not eligible. If you’re not a small businessman, you have to go on 10. Upon expiry of the pre-registration period, the sales tax pre-registration is issued to the tax office.

No matter how, in the end, you will have to submit your income tax declaration annually, along with Appendix EÜR, depending on the approach of the FA, the GewSt Declaration and USt Declaration.

If you do not register your business, this is an offence.

2 years ago

You are obligated to practice at least a simple (referential) accountancy of income surplus calculation and then after the change of year the ESt. statement. If you can’t do this yourself, you need a tax advisor.