AfD wählende Schwester zu Weihnachten ausladen?

Hallo zusammen,

mein Freund und ich (beide homo) wollen Weihnachten bei seiner Oma/Familie feiern. Es sind alle eingeladen außer seine ältere Schwester. Die Oma fragt, ob es für uns beide okey wäre, wenn sie mit ihrer Familie dabei wäre. Wir sind uns unsicher, weil wir beide homo sind und ich zusätzlich einen Migrationshintergrund habe. Ihr Mann ist ein kompletter Nazi, sie wird es nach und nach. Wie würdet ihr damit umgehen?

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1 year ago

If it’s just about her choosing AFD and you’re just about to exclude her from the family, then you both have a serious problem and not really her.

If she treats you clearly badly, that’s different…but if that’s not the case, you both watched too much television. 😂

Find out what’s best among you…

How would I handle it?

I don’t care what people choose. I’ve been choosing since my 18th. Year of life no longer.

Seehofer described it well:

Those who decide are not elected, and those who are elected have nothing to decide.

I think you should take care of important things.

1 year ago

I had the problem in a similar way. My friend is (maybe) AfD voters. He didn’t have that thought, but wanted to show his protest. He had the snout full of the state during and after Corona.

He made me crazy for a while until I gave him the opinion. I said if you didn’t leave me alone with this subject, it was. Since then he gives rest and this subject is no longer on the table. What he chooses is his thing.

You could tell them as a family that the issues surrounding politics and AfD on the Christmas table were nothing to look for. Keep them up, they’re okay, they’re not allowed to leave or stay home. Because if the others don’t have any calls for conversation then they should stick to it and not vice versa.

You better talk in the family before. I don’t think you’re being invited by yourself. After all, you can give them the chance to tear on the belt.

1 year ago

She belongs to the family as well, it is her family. Saves the issue of politics (explains this before) and deals with the situation.

One thought … You are homosexual and expect tolerance (rightly) that will also be given to you within the family. You should be just as tolerant to others and their political beliefs, because that is just as important as the choice of the partner. As long as no one is directly attacked, one should put the same tolerance on the day.

There is also the possibility of approaching something humanly, so that beliefs can ecently relate to one another.

1 year ago

It is Christmas and there you can all love the Grandma for a few hours talk about neutral things and not about politics. Grandmas don’t live forever, nobody knows if she’s still alive next year Christmas.

There are probably different world views in almost all families.

1 year ago

I would suggest that you two are there, for example, on Christmas Eve, again on the first holiday and then the sister and partner can come by the second holiday. So that the grandma sees all her grandchildren on the holidays, but at the same time you don’t have to expose these people.

I think if you are asked to be tolerant to the two with this ideology, that is the epitome of the tolerance paradox. They represent an ideology, according to which you two should have a lower value than other people. An ideology that would at least not find it worse or even welcome if it no longer exists. I think it’s all right if you sit with the two not friendly smiling in pseudo-harmony under the fir tree…

1 year ago
Reply to  HappyMe1984

So the Grandma sees all her grandchildren on the holidays, but at the same time you don’t these people must suspend.

Everyone is free not to appear to the feast even if you do not want to see a part of the family. I basically see that. With a real Nazi, I wouldn’t want to sit at the table or stay away.

So far we only know from the FS that the man should be a Nazi. But we do not know whether this is true or whether he and the sister are “only” AfD voters, who say for example for controlled immigration.

1 year ago
Reply to  isilang

Anyone who chooses the AfD or finds it just okay speaks for a party that has been classified as a suspicion of counterfeit extremism by the Constitutional Protection and in whose ranks there are really a number of people who clearly depend on this ideology. The times in which people could be confessed, because perhaps this political orientation could not be recognized and this party can be found well for other, more comprehensible reasons are now really final.

1 year ago

Why do you tell me? That knows “man” and it doesn’t touch what I noticed. This is not about a party exclusion, but about the right to the personal choice of the party and the acceptance of this right of personality.

1 year ago

Okay, to the explanation: Our Basic Law – for historical reasons, has finally emerged as a direct result from the Nazi era – sees the possibility of setting up parties and having them to compete in elections as an extremely high, highly protected good. Logically, because a democratic choice does not work without a wide range of choices.

Prohibition of a party thus has extremely high hurdles and is a very, very long process that requires an enormous amount of evidence that this party is really an acute threat to the continuation of our fundamental freedom-democratic order (FDGO) according to the Basic Law.

In order to have an eye on the political landscape and to recognize such cases in time, the constitutional protection is responsible. He looks first and foremost at what the parties and their members do so openly. So, without espionage, without secretive means, without spying in V people or anything. Just what they do to the outside public is what they stand for and are committed to. For all parties, no matter what political direction.

When they repeatedly unfold things that do not fit the FDGO and thus do not conform to the principles of our Basic Law, the first step is to classify this party as an internal audit case. This means they start looking more closely here. However, they are still only allowed to exploit publicly available sources! So still only what is findable, audible or readable for everyone.

When they come to the conclusion that really very, very much indicates that there are machinations that pose a threat to the FDGO, they can classify a party as a suspicion. They have to make it public. And from this moment onwards, they can also use secret services to determine exactly how great this danger is.

It should be borne in mind that this step is already a very, very large one, because, as I said, the reasons and “promoting” of parties without state interference or restrictions are and remains an enormously high good in the Basic Law!

The next step as a result of the evaluation of the work of constitutional protection in such cases would then be the classification as “safely extremist”. This is the point where constitutional protection has come to the conclusion that there is sufficient evidence for a ban procedure.

This procedure does not, however, lead to the protection of the Constitution itself, but then extends these findings to the applicant bodies. Only the Bundestag, the Federal Council and the Federal Government can submit the application. The proceedings are then conducted by the Federal Constitutional Court. By the way, the NPD almost managed to be banned and the procedure was conducted there. The Federal Constitutional Court has only decided to ban it because it was considered “too small” to really represent a realistic risk to the FDGO, not because it was not far enough right or so…

In order to become a suspicion, it is necessary to repeatedly and over a longer period of time to notice statements, receivables and entanglements on many levels and by many people in a party publicly (!) and to represent positions that move outside the FDGO. These are not harmless misconceptions or somewhat unthinkable, to flappy statements or “slips”.

1 year ago

I don’t. And don’t tell me what to do.

Come down!

1 year ago

The AfD is a suspicion according to constitutional protection! You know what that means? Stop harming them!

1 year ago

A democratically elected party represented in the Bundestag is to be respected. For as long as there is no prohibition, everyone should look at this party and voters. This would be undemocratic and beyond it is counterproductive.

The accusation that every member of the AfD represents extreme right-wing thought is not to be held. There’s a part that’s inconceivable. There are also opposing wings within other parties. From this, of course, your comparison with the NSDAP, which was closed behind the ideology.

The same talk ever. One does not make such a party in today’s times harmless by fighting it. The AfD stands for the failure of the current government and the time of the Groko. If they had done their job better, the AfD would not move in the double-digit percentage range. In addition, the politics of the traffic lights will be better if they leave their comfort zone under pressure and fear of a strong AfD and also have to observe the unprefered voter’s slogan. They would like to place their cross elsewhere in parts.

Heaven, this is really basic historical knowledge of how the NDSAP came to power, right?

Come on down.

1 year ago

No, that a party is “democraticly elected”, it is absolutely not freed from the accusation of right ideology or even the desire to abolish the democracy it has chosen. Heaven, this is really basic historical knowledge of how the NDSAP came to power, right?

1 year ago

This is a steadily growing part of the voters different. The AfD is still a democratically elected party and therefore it is to be accepted (no matter where you are politically located). So the times are not over. On the contrary – it is to be expected that the time of the AfD will only begin. Every attempt to combat this party generates new votes.

1 year ago

They’re supposed to be invited if they’re supposed to be really inappropriate, Grandma is asking the sister and her husband to go.

I’d tell Grandma in advance.

If that doesn’t work then you still have the opportunity to go and you know in the future exactly whether you want them or not.

Beautiful Christmas!

1 year ago

In principle, you do what many of the AfD do. You split society. more precisely the family.

I’m not telling you to invite her in general! You should just think about how she’s on it.

If she does stunk all the time, because she can’t accept your homosexuality and or origin, then I would actually say to the Omama either the one or us! If she just, why ever, thinks the AfD could be better than our current government, then it simply accepts. it’s their decision.

About 10 years ago, I had just overcome a hand-resistant depresion, my grandpa’s girlfriend also made stunk. the old box has had nothing better to do than bring about deprisive people. I told you that they should either shut up or I’d go.

When Opa then said it would be better, I walk, I threw my still packed gift, a beautiful crystal glass vase, to the wall and left.

My parents changed my word with me for three weeks or so. Sensored questions, why I would have been so miserable, etc.

The good thing about it: they got in again. I never had to go back to a family party when my grandpa or this woman were there. I’m sorry for a little bit, meanwhile he’s dead, because I really liked him, but somewhere you have to pull the border.

Lg, Nicki

1 year ago

Some people think it’s a good thing to discuss with fascists. I don’t see that. Because of their very limited intellectual possibilities, they can in the rarest cases be brought away from their grim world image. I’m more of a limit.

5 months ago

If the two are unbearable, say that to the Grandma.

Maybe you can arrange separate dates.

1 year ago

Invite and best pre-concile the policy at the Christmas party does not come up.

1 year ago

Invite them and simply avoid the issue of politics. This is still the family that now only invite because you don’t like their political attitude is just childish.

1 year ago
Reply to  Unbekannter252

You’re the sister and her husband. The others are supposed to be tolerant, but you’re not ready?

1 year ago
Reply to  Unbekannter252

For me, what you’re saying just sounds like exaggeration.

My honest opinion is that you should try to unload Christmas is the feast of the family and now I don’t find it right. Try to invite her and tell the grandma that it doesn’t work so well between you, listen to what the grandma says.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ambermain2

Yes, really childish to avoid contact with someone who’s abhorred. You don’t seem to know, but being in the room with someone who clearly rejects you feels bad. You also notice the rejection without saying anything. If the view is constantly avoided, or any stings are constantly coming.

The others who treat you like that are childish. There is no reason to spend time with people who make sure you feel rejected, and so the feast is spoiled.

1 year ago
Reply to  FelixSH

In principle, I would give you right, but I think the questioner is exaggerating in terms of the situation. The complete text literally cries to Nazi framing, which is why I am not even sure which of the two sides is more negative here.

1 year ago

You can only guess. He also writes that she’s the only one that’s not invited. That’s what the grandma decided. Sounds to me like there’s already a prehistory as if the sister and/or the man had been acting badly. Don’t have to be, as I said, it’s a guess.

If there are no concrete experiences, then you can try.

1 year ago

I would never do that. They’re dirty.

1 year ago
Reply to  Blade94

To title people as “three”, sounds hard fascistoid. Are you a fascistoid person?

1 year ago
Reply to  WebTraveller

Tolerance paradox. Legal radicals have no place in a civilized society. Semantics is adequate and if you can’t abstract it, it’s okay. It won’t be the only one that’s missing.

1 year ago

…so that Nazis in particular know each other very well

1 year ago

Right! Labour camps!

1 year ago

…you want to isolate these right-wing radicals, maybe dispose of them in a warehouse and ultimately in the gas chamber?

1 year ago

Well, you have to know if you want columns or not.

1 year ago

I would NOT decide that you are the “school” that the family cannot celebrate together!

1 year ago

In the end you need to know. I wouldn’t forbid the grandma to invite her, but then make it clear you’re coming on another day. So I’d do the job. With such people (even if you already sign the guy as a Nazi) I would simply reject the contact.

I mean, you can try. Maybe they can behave. Is that what you’ve been doing? If there were bad experiences, I will stay with my advice – no contact. It’s because it’s been bad. If, for example, you or your friend have been insulted by one of the two, the chance is good that this happens again. I wouldn’t want to endure this stress. It’s clear that you don’t want and need anything like that. Then not you are splitting them, but the two.

If there are no negative experiences, you can also try. Maybe you should do, but you don’t have to be. It’s okay not to contact. And no, neither are you the evil ones. You don’t have to stress this kind of stress, just for Christmas.