Adverbiale Bestimmung – Adverb?
Das Haus dort ist gerade neu gebaut worden. (Substantiv)
->Dort bezieht sich auf Haus.
Hei0t das nicht Adverbiale Bestimmung?
Das Haus dort ist gerade neu gebaut worden. (Substantiv)
->Dort bezieht sich auf Haus.
Hei0t das nicht Adverbiale Bestimmung?
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An adverb does not always have to belong to an adverbial determination, this is the case here.
Here it is an attribute to the Nomen “House”, as you have already mentioned, which now assumes the role of a subject:
What has just been rebuilt? The house there. It’s just part of it. Of course, “where?” can be asked, but the “where?” belongs to the subject, to the house, and in the sentence is not an adverbial destiny (as a single member with his function), but belongs to that.
Greetings from Maxime! 🍄
The adverb “dort” gets information and now knows more about the subject.
If “dort” were somewhere else, you would be right, but since it is connected to the Nomen “House” (Attribute) and as a subject, it is not an adverbial destiny.
To distinguish it might help if you realize that adverbial regulations are always their own set-ups. In your example, there only part of a member. Adverbs can also be set-ups (for themselves alone). An example:
Oh mann, German language….
It’s an attribute to a nom.
the house there – what house?
After an adverbial destiny, you ask “where?”, not “what kind of one?”.
the house… where?
You have to make whole sentences.
the house… where? These are not all sentences.
The house is there – where is the house? There!
The house was just rebuilt – what kind of house was just rebuilt? The house there!