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1 year ago

Why don’t you write up some of your mother’s interests?

Then you could help more specifically with ideas.

In the Advent calendars for my parents were among others:

chocolate in the favorite places,

individual chocolates from the chocolate shop (packed, so not the “nackten” from the counter),

printed texts from the internet or copied texts from books I own (Christmas stories, funny texts, Christmas/ Winter poems),

glass with Bruschetta blend or Chutney, small glass special or favorite jam,

Mini bag spice mix for hot chocolate,

Pear apples, mangomus etc.,


a bag of cough bonuses (my mother had always taken a cough bonus for a time when she was in the car, so that was meant for the car),

mini juice wrinkles (my father liked quite expensive juice from the reform house),

small Christmas sweets very cheap from the discounter (these individually packed Christmas chocolates or small gingerbread packs),

a small bag nuts,


What I find very nice: a small note with an instruction for the day. Today consciously think of the Advent season in childhood, in the evening a cup of Cappucchino (cloth was then in the calendar), light a candle and listen to Christmas music, prepare a frying apple (dry ingredients in the calendar) and the like.

For my brother, I had a calendar that included 2 €. Whenever I was on my way with him and my mother in a shopping mall, he took me to the side and wondering if I would give him a euro for a sausage. He then went before and ate “seriously” a sausage, but in the end he always gave it and my mother had nothing to do with it. It was such a ritual. For this I then placed 2 € in the calendar and wrote “for a sausage in the Xyz Centre”.

Maybe there’s something – a little thing – that your mother can afford, but often doesn’t do, then you could pick up something like that.


With me the calendars were always quite expensive, so often 40€ to 70€. This is of course not a comparison to the 100 to 300€ calendars today. But then I often tried to balance the bags so that something more expensive and sometimes something free (chain) was in it, some cheap everyday and some more expensive, not all day.

I went through supermarkets, drugstores, decoration shops, etc. for a while, and I wrote down ideas or wrote down ideas. Products photographed.

1 year ago

Maybe tea, chocolate, hand cream odet other cosmetic products?

1 year ago

What edible, drinkable or usable. Unless your mother finds useless dust collectors really nice.