
Hey also kurz gefasst ich hab viel mit Jugendamt zutun und war auch schon mal in ein Heim bin aber wieder zuhause und der Kontakt zu meinen Eltern ist katastrophal sie wollen mich auch nicht mehr zuhause Haben allerdings hat die Mutter von meiner besten Freundin sich bereit erklärt mich aufzunehmen aber sie wohnt in nrw und ich in Sachsen Anhalt geht das? Falls ja wie klappt das so in wie lange kann das dauern

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1 year ago

An adoption doesn’t have to be.

The girlfriend just needs the right to stay. That’s all. But that must be over the youth office.

That you have to go, say the wish, then the girlfriend is checked and your mum is also asked.

If everything works, you can actually move and live there

1 year ago

Hey, you,

I once had a similar case and that went quite unbureaucratic without adoption.

Talk to your contact person from JA and ask if something is possible in cooperation. So that they’re gonna have the hat and coordinate it, but so save money and it’s about your well-being. Only things have to be clarified like agreements, stays, responsibilities and child money, etc…. and that you need them.

Youth offices are often open to my experience of creative solutions.

Good to you!

1 year ago

For an adoption, your parents must agree. But if they don’t want you anymore, your best friend’s mother could ask if she can take you as a nurse.

1 year ago
Reply to  Caila

the mother of your best friend could ask if she can take you as a nurse.

This does not begin without ‘adjustment of parents’

1 year ago
Reply to  GutenTag2003

Except for danger, right. I forgot.