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6 months ago


as you are over 18, your adoption will be treated as any full-year adoption.
This is a so-called “bad adoption” because the relationship with the biological parents remains. In such a case, you have 4 parents instead of 2.

If the legal requirements make an adoption possible, a corresponding application must be submitted to the family court and various documents must be submitted notarially certified (e.g. declarations of consent, birth certificates, registration certificates).

Family courts agree to an adoption of full-year-olds only if:

there is a sufficient age gap between the full-year and the adoptive parents of about 15 years.

no sexual relationship between the full-year-old and the adoptive parents preceded (Oberlandesgericht Munich, decision of 16.11.2005, Az.31 Wx 082/05).

the adoption does not exclusively serve the continuation of a nobility name (Bayerisches Oberlandesgericht, Decision of 31.7.1992, Az. 1Z BR 69/92).

Tax or inheritance tax motives are not the main reason for adoption (Oberlandesgericht Karlsruhe, Decision of 22.7.2005, Az. 14 Wx 31/05 and Oberlandesgericht Munich, Decision of 19.12.2008, Az. 31 Wx 49/08).

it does not serve to obtain a residence permit or an indefinite residence permit or to avoid a threatening expulsion.

Editor DAHAG Rechtsservices AG: adult adoption [Review on 20.09.2024]

In the foregoing, maintenance and inheritance claims should be clarified, so a gang to a lawyer for family law/optional law is always a sensible consideration and good investment.

Since the authorisation or rejection of an adoption request is always a judicial decision, this procedure must also be prepared.

With appropriate preparatory work, the approval of an application for adoption after full-year is rarely in the way.

The thumb is pressed:)
Best regards, MaMaStef

6 months ago

Yup, that’s all right. There you can also get a consultancy appointment (but make sure that there is a lack of staff – could take time)

If a lot of money is in the game from the parents, it might be recommended to include a tax advisor or a lawyer for family law.

No, I don’t think anyone wants to pull you over the table. But there is not too much advice in such a case.

6 months ago

that would be an adult adoption. but your paternal parents continue to remain your legal parents with all right and obligations

6 months ago

You need a lawyer who is admitted to a family court. The decision on the application shall be made after examination and personal interview by a family judge.