ADHD without forgetfulness?


I have had certain problems my whole life and feel somehow "different" from others. Years ago, just out of interest, I happened to read up on the subject of ADHD in women and girls and have since collected a lot of information about it because I see a frightening number of parallels in myself.

I don't want to diagnose myself with it, of course. I recently got a new neurologist who is treating me psychologically and I wanted to talk to him about it. The only thing that always stops me from doing so, because unfortunately I always overthink everything, is that I don't have any problems with forgetfulness or being late, etc. Quite the opposite, in fact. I'm always extremely punctual and can remember any nonsense very precisely. But since forgetfulness is a core symptom of ADHD, I always have my doubts. I just wanted to ask if anyone here has been diagnosed with ADHD or knows anything about it and doesn't have any problems with it, or whether it is actually a necessary factor in the diagnosis.

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7 months ago

I have diagnosed ADHD, and absolutely no problems with “to come too late”, I am mostly too early there (30min). For forgetfulness: if I want to know things extremely well, if I get something just so by the way (e.g. “Get the garbage out later”), then it happens that I forget it. As far as I know, the two behaviour patterns are not absolutely necessary for a diagnosis.

You might find something in the current S3 line, I got it to you here link.