ADHS ist es?
Mein Lebensgefährte möchte so gerne ein Kind mit mir er hat aber ADHS und es ist schon manchmal ziemlich belastend für die Beziehung weil er zb oft scih nicht konzentrieren kann,leichter reizbar ist usw…
Wird ADHS vererbt? Also ans Kind weiter gegeben?
Ich habe um ehrlich zu sein keine Lust auf ein Kind mit ADHS das ständig hibbelig ist, rumschreit, keine Konzentration hat , fast jeden Tag von der Schule abholt werden muss weil es stört…..
Adhs has genetic components, yes. There are families in which the majority is somehow noticeable. But there are also families in which only one is affected. Genetics is a huge cube game.
If “my child could be like my partner” is a reason for children, I would question either the partnership or the child’s desire. That could mean that one of them isn’t in line with what you actually want.
He’s growing up and taking drugs.
In a child ADHS is much worse, they have to be picked up every day because they only do nonsense and other disturbances are also coming to a special school today.
Hö? I have a brother and probably a sister with adhs. Both abitur, both completed studies. Both in good jobs.
For someone who is with an adhs-ler, you have amazing beliefs.
However, you can have a child with problems without having to. The risk always exists.
That’s absolutely not true. From adhs, if you may call it, there are many forms. My nephew also has adhs and never has to be picked up because he interferes. Whether it is truly inheritable is not proven.
Google time after adhs vitamin b6
It is important that you take high-dose vitamins in and before possible pregnancy. Of course not so high that it is harmful.
This reduces the likelihood of getting a child with misconduct significantly and preeclampsia as well as pregnancy diabetes will also save you.
If you can English, just look at Grassroothealth:
Just get NO child. Because even a child without ADHD will not behave like a room plant.
That’s clear to me, but a child with ADHD is IMMER loud
No, that’s not true. You seem to know only one form and that comes in your imagination very extreme and unresolved therefore.
But that’s what the little girl prefers to paint the flowers than to watch in class AUCH adhs seems not to make you feel at all.
Children are children. Even without ADHD it is not easy. As you describe it… I’d think about it again.
That it won’t be easy with a child is clear but a child with ADHD is very much more exhausting it will definitely have to be on a special school
Most people with ADHD live normal life.
According to Google, the probability is greater
This is not necessarily the case, and it is not a definition of ADHD. Moreover, you can also apply to healthy children. Especially with the first-founded aspects (being dazzling, screaming, low concentration) you will have to do in the first years anyway, probably after anyway.
ADHS is considered to be hereditary, yes, corresponding surveys can be found online in reputable sources.
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