Adapter zum Anschließen von Samsung NX Objektiven an MFT Kameras?

Mit meiner Samsung NX3000 Kamera bin ich absolut nicht zufrieden. Zu stark spiegelndes Display, kein Sucher, kein Anschluß für Kabel Fernauslöser und Steuerung mit Handy klappt auch nicht. Habe inzwischen Panasonic Kamera, möchte aber gern die Objektive von Samsung an der Panasonic verwenden. Leider habe ich bisher vergeblich nach einem geeigneten Adapter gesucht, hat jemand eine Idee ob und wo man einen bekommen könnte? Sonst sind die Objektive nur noch zum wegwerfen da.

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2 years ago

I don’t think you’ll find anyone. Even with photodiox, which actually have for as good as all adapters, there is no one.

The NX system was displaced relatively quickly from the market, although the cameras were really not bad, but a tick too expensive then. An adapter would theoretically be possible because there are about 6mm space, but it would also have to accommodate electronics, because all lenses of Samsung are electronically controlled (Focus-by-wire).

I think because Samsung was such an exot, the development costs for such an adapter would not be profitable. And that’s why there’s nix.

I’d honestly see if you get a higher NX1 or NX30. They have a seeker.

2 years ago

Look here.

The NX3000 was identical to the 3300 I had. Although very splashed, but otherwise first-class camera with high image quality. At least that made me clear for the beginning.

A display mainly reflects more light – why do you take photos with more light? Mobile phone control is actually superfluous, cable triggers basically more or less also in many things, because there are timers. It’s not that you’d be thrown up without being completely abandoned. And searcher doesn’t actually use any of the macros (I take it for your name)

I’d keep the camera as she is. With this you can also photograph other things. Or just look at what the NX system is doing. Otherwise invest in a new MFT system. That’s pretty good.

2 years ago
Reply to  Makrofotofan

Many cameras offer correct focus bracketing. Internal focus stacking is not a good solution because it always comes to image errors that are not counted out by the camera. In the stacking program, therefore, a single image is taken for this and thus the stack or faulty regions such as foams are punched.

With a lot of sun I would never go photographing. I always take folding display and this is never a problem. Timer isn’t the ideal solution, but it’s all right. You just have to take things differently, like photographing in the morning, or with longer focal length… they don’t fly away either.