Adapter für HDD SATA Festplatte alt?
Moin, ich habe eine uralte Festplatte, die ich gern auslesen möchte.
Allerdings sind die Anschlüsse schon sehr veraltet.
Ich habe gesehen, dass es usb Adapter für Festplatten gibt.
Gibt es die auch für dieses alte Modell ?
vielleicht sogar einen womit man alte und neue anschließen kann?
The adapters have already been called you. Depending on the adapter, it is important to configure the plate on Master.
For this, there is this small black plug-in bridge (Jumper) on the 8 pins between the IDE and the 4-pole current connection.
On the top of the HDD there should be a picture on which you can see which jumper position stands for master.
Otherwise it can be that the plate is not recognized.
Adapter for this connection can be found under the terms PATA or IDE
Yes, there is.
Yeah, that’s an IDE connection. I have this adapter for this: function/dp/B00N9924AI
You can probably also take a cheaper one from Amazon.