Acryl oder Ölfarben?
Ich bin schon mein ganzes Leben künstlerisch Interessiert. Viele Jahre habe ich mich ausschließlich dem Portrait mit Bleistift gewidmet. Ich wollte aber was neues ausprobieren, also male ich seit einigen Monaten mit Acryl.
Ich habe echt schon tolle Bilder gemalt und konnte viele davon verschenken. Aber irgendwie kommt es mir so vor, als würden die Bilder mit Ölfarben realistischer wirken. Da man Öl ja auch viel länger verblenden kann als Acryl.
Bevorzugt ihr Öl oder Acryl? und warum?
The problem with oil is that it stinks uncanny and the pictures have to dry for a long time.
Of course, the disadvantage of acrylic is that it dries quickly and gets poorly soft transitions.
Actually it doesn’t stink at all. See Recommendation below.
I used to paint exclusively with acrylic because I find it easier for the beginning, but since I started with oil colors and with which I got right I would rather paint with it!
Definitely oily.
Just if you want to realistically paint it is so much more practical.
But you have to make sure you have a place where you can paint and ventilate well.
For brush cleaning, I recommend “Shellsol T”, a odor-free diluent.
In fact, oil colors. This is not necessarily more realistic, but I like the color transitions.
Very chic!
this is easily added with acrylic colors.
Take the Jaxon chalk, it’s really good.
the vapours that arise during drying of the oil paints (chemical process) are harmful to health. not just a little.
for oil paintings it is necessary to leave an extra room for drying (after about 4 to 6 months the colors are dried, after 3 weeks finger dry)
in no case should one stay longer than a few hours in the week in spaces where undried oil images are located.
from therefore – stay with acrylic. the colors do not evaporate after a few days. In normal painting techniques, acrylic paints are dried after about 10 days and the acrylic binder on which the colors are based (water base is quatch and a smooth lie) no longer reacts chemically. this is the reason why dried acrylic paint can in fact no longer be removed.
you can extend the open time with painting.