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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

“He’s okay”


“but he would like to be sober again”


It will pass, but can take a few hours in total. Depending on when he took this, he will be as normal as possible again tonight/night.

Does he just come home? Can his parents pick him up?

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Haze518

Then he should’ve known what he’s getting into.

If it’s too bad, someone should accompany him home. If it is correct, medical assistance must be requested. Read here (more below on the page):

Please leave. Use safer. Here, for example:

2 years ago

250μg (microgram not milligram) are actually a lot for such a situation.

The only thing I think would be neuroleptics, so drugs that are used against psychosis, which also prevent the effect of psychelics. Diazepam can also help. Apart from that, he has to go through there.

2 years ago

Those who take Acid at school are not only too immature for LSD – but will surely also screw up the journey itself.

2 years ago

maximum stupid, the worst setting you can choose.

Would report me ill immediately at his place