ACC bei Seat Ateca Nachrüsten?


Nach über einem Jahr Wartezeit haben wir nun endlich unseren Seat Ateca bekommen. Er ist in der ausstattungslinie xcellence zu uns gekommen.

In den ganzen Gesprächen vor dem Kauf war immer von einem sicherheitspaket die Rede, welches wir mit gekauft hätten.

Nun haben wir gemerkt das der Ateca kein ACC hat, was mir persönlich fehlt. Auf dem Kaufvertrag steht das auch nicht drauf, also hat der Verkäufer wahrscheinlich vergessen den Haken zu setzen, und wir waren so blöd und haben unterschrieben. Jetzt die eigentliche Frage: „kann ich wenigstens das ACC bei vorhandenem notbremsassisten Nachrüsten lassen?“ aufgrund meiner eigenen Blödheit muss ich es dann wohl selbst bezahlen.

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6 years ago

Unfortunately, this is not easily possible. With ACC you get a different sensor system and there are modifications at different points of the vehicle.

It’s not just a simple software switch.

Brakes, motor, infotainment and various other places also need to build communication to the ACC. If you have an automatic, it’s all in all.

However, if you have a hand switch, the CAN buses are wired differently in the car and you need larger work for other cable harness.

Go best to your SEAT partner and clarify this directly, who should be trying to find a nice solution, because human mistakes in the ordering process can happen

6 years ago

I have to say: I don’t know.

But: Since the emergency brake assistant normally uses the same sensor system as the AAC is missing here, possibly. only one control unit or only one software option.

I’d almost suspect there’s just a check in the software somewhere. Just go to the dealer and ask.

6 years ago
Reply to  roboboy

That’s not the case. The radar sensor system of the emergency brake is not suitable for implementing an ACC function. Except: based on radar, they don’t have much in common, the sensor behind the screen is significantly different.

6 years ago
Reply to  theCapsicum

Okay, that’s sad. But clear with 10 sensors that do the same, of course, you have a lot more what can break…

6 years ago

What is ACC? I’ve only seen in the pharmacy.

6 years ago
Reply to  chevydresden

Distance control. You set your desired speed like the tempomat, but if someone drives in front of you the distance to the vehicle is kept. If the car is right in front of you again, it will accelerate to your desired speed.

6 years ago
Reply to  chevydresden


Adaptive Cruise Control.