Abtreibpille nutzlos machen?
Hi was kann ich tun wenn meine Freundin und ich Kinder bekommen wollen aber ihre Eltern dagegen sind und das Kind immer durch Tablette abtreiben? Wie lange kann Sie bei mir bleiben, damit wenn sie zurück nach Hause kommt selbst die abtreibpille nichts mehr nützt? Danke im Voraus!
Then it’s best to wait the few months until she’s 18.
Do you really think it’s wise to want a 17-year-old jail?
Couple days I think…and then the tablet does not use anymore….but ask the pharmacy directly…The problem is up to 12 weeks it has despite all again time to drive it off from the 12 week it is no longer possible….this is also costly…
A abortion (no matter whether it is done by enrollment or medicament) is carried out by a doctor and not by parents. Prior to that, consultancy appointments must be held.
It is not possible for your parents to let a child go.
It’s simple, waiting for her 18th. Birthday and then pull together.
Then the parents are out.
Once accepted, her parents would actually administer her without her knowledge, or against her will a “abortion pill” (as is supposed to be), that would be at least a dangerous bodily injury and her parents would migrate to jail for a long time if her daughter indicates her.
What is your obsession with children? Your girlfriend’s not even 18. Wait.
I looked on your profile…
Wait at least two years, I think she’s making a mistake if she wants it.
I also looked over your profile and would advise you,please wait with it. Somehow you don’t seem ripe enough. This is not an attack, but only what I perceive.
A child is not a XBox. Responsibility until you leave this earth
Abbottom pill? Which tablet should you be able to take secretly, and with it a child should be driven off?