Abstimmung : welches Getränk findet ihr absolut ekelhaft?
welches Getränk findet ihr so ekelig, daß euch davon übel wird oder sogar Brechreiz ? Bitte abstimmen gern mit kurzer Zusatzinfo.
welches Getränk findet ihr so ekelig, daß euch davon übel wird oder sogar Brechreiz ? Bitte abstimmen gern mit kurzer Zusatzinfo.
Habe mir gerade mein erstes guiness gegönnt und zwar aus der dose ,soll wohl besser schmecken weil es wegen der kugel besser settlen soll,aber da fängts schon an dosenbier hat immer einen mettalischen nebengeschmack. Habe mir paar yt videos angeschaut und das bier settlen lassen,nur es schmeckt wie abgestanden da es fast keine kohlensäure enthält…
Milch wird in von allen Tieren (soweit mir bekannt) nur für die Auftzucht von Jungtieren verwendet. Oder hat jemand mal einen ausgewachsenen Affen sich an der Brust von einem Orang-Utan Weibchen laben sehen? Wie ist es dazu gekommen, dass Menschen nach dem Babyalter Milch konsumieren?
Hallöchen meine Lieben. Wollte fragen,was man bei einer Speiseröhrenentzündung trinken kann? Habe mir Sprudelwasser geholt und jetzt weiß ich nicht ob es gut für den Magen ist. Daher frag ich was ich außer wenn doch kein Sprudelwasser,was ich sonst trinken könnte. Danke für eure Antworten ♥️.
Schwächeanfälle hab und das Milchprodukte auslöst anscheinend was meint ihr dazu also er schreit mich dann an wird aggressiv
Sie sind oft schwarz dunkelila, sind dick aromatisch und glitschig fast wie die Struktur von Knorpel oder delfinen WO KANN ICH SIE KAUFEN
In my opinion, it is a coffee where I have to tear myself together and not to fry. But in the case of water with sprout, I simply do not keep it in.Without sprout, I just go, but only with hangings.
It was over 40 years ago, but I still know it was yesterday. My parents had such a drink supplier who delivered drinks to the house once a week. Once he had a free bottle of multivitamin juice to be used. That was something new at the time and we didn’t know that at all.
Mom gave her little one a glass and I took a big sip, too. It didn’t last 10 seconds and I had to hand me over as never before.
Since then, I have never tried multivitamin or mixed vegetable juices again. Just the thought of it, causing me brilliance. To say my vegetable juice trauma. ;
Sprite has a tendency to be tastefully disgusting – otherwise I don’t have another drink.
Ayran, milk with skin and Red Bull… don’t understand how to buy the latter, or why the Matischitz could become so rich with RB.
that should be Monster Energy…
I can’t really suffer Cola.
Heyyho Torrnado 👋
I have never drank Hm Ayran and buttermilk, so nothing can say how it tastes ^^
The rest of your list, I think, tastes okay. I only found milk as a cocoa mega tasty.
But what I find super gross is schnapps and stuff…. 🤢
Friends of me like to drink it when I go out. I don’t know, if I smell the stuff, I could cook….
What do you think is disgusting? 🙃
Greetings ArinaArande 😊
All alcoholic drinks and energy drinks.
Alcoholic drinks and Red Bull are absolutely disgusting because it’s just too scary. 🙄
That’s why I’m just not gonna drink that, no matter the fact.
I don’t have to have both!
Huhu, Torrnado.
All that tastes like Anis is not going to me.
Greetings, Renate.
I find vodka, gin, tequilla etc. disgusting and do not understand why some people already drink this for breakfast and have to think of a typical all inclusive holiday in Turkey.
I’d rather eat
I find carrot juice unappetiable
Place 1 share banana juice and tomato juice.
Place 2 follows: vegetable juice.
The rest is all right.
Celery juice:(
But also alcohol, soy drinks and energy drinks.
Vegetable juice
Nothing goes against tomato juice.
Anything sugared.
Lg sunglasses61
Alcohol-free beer
There’s me.
Vegetable juice is one of my favorites – unfortunately too much potassium 😌
Tibetan butter tea ….
Carrot juice…
but can I ask why banana juice is included in the selection?? Banana juice is one of the most delicious juices!?!? 😀
I also thought about carrot juice:D
All the listed and energy drinks. Where milk still goes for emergency, please leave the cow or as vanilla milk.
Fresh from the cow will probably not taste you.
Because she’s completely different than you think and most people have never tried.
It has a strange temperature stop just ‘cough heat’ and the fat content, as well as the substance is quite different.
Goat milk directly from the goat tastes even worse – the horns of such do really hurt. :
I know how milk freshly sucks out of the cow, stole it from the meadow, from the udder in the mouth
Unique Berlin air.
Joa, like drinking mouthwashing
Alcohol and energy drinks. I never drank and I won’t.
I can’t stand all alcoholic drinks.
Red Bull