Abstellproblem des Motorrades?
ich möchte mir nach der bestandenen Praxisprüfung ein Motorrad kaufen. Problem ist, ich habe keinen Garten bzw. eigene Garage, eigenen Parkplatz oder Carport. Es gibt nur die öffentlichen, nicht überdachten Parkplätze, die auch noch ca. 100-200 Meter entfernt liegen, außer Sichtweite, da Häuser dazwischen stehen.
Das Motorrad kann bei Regen Schäden bekommen, verrosten u.a.
Was denkt ihr, was man da machen kann? Mit einer Abdeckplane auf dem öffentlichen Parkplatz für mehrere Tage außer Sichtweite? Möchte ungern, dass dem Motorrad was passiert.
LG Sophie ❤️
Motorcycles are generally not “water shy”, even if they might rather be under the roof….
A closed garage, after rainy rides, is less suitable than a carport where air comes from all sides to the machine and you should therefore look at the close range if you don’t find any possibilities.
In my village there are several who have built a carport but under the “resident” only the lawnmower and there are also motorbikes…
Maybe you’ll find jmd. where you can park your “Mopped” even if it may be two streets on….
The next alternative would perhaps be a cover plan but then you have two problems, because where to go with the plan, if you want to drive and the next point is that not all plans in the elbow and ESD area are heat-resistant – you should be careful when buying if you, after a trip, do not always want to wait until the exhaust system has cooled far enough so that the plan does not stick to it…
Oh such a motorcycle is quite resistant enough to get wet once.
I went through several winters.
Who doesn’t want to talk out who wants to find solutions
Yeah, it’s raining often and long with us.
It is not optimal outside, of course. I would use a high-quality cover plan or, what would be better, rent a dry garage or similar.
then rent a garage.. in a public parking lot the bike has NOT to look for.
Of course, a bike has something to look for in a public parking lot.
But not as a permanent storage solution
Well, since you paid for a motorcycle tax, you actually have to stand the “right” on public parking, also several days.
Of course we are motorbikes but mostly friendly and try to leave the great tin cans space for parking.
Motorcycles are officially NOT allowed to be parked on board bricks, sometimes this is “tolerated”, but it is not written anywhere.
Mopeds with insurance tags are excluded from this, which have nothing to look for on the road and on parking spaces and may also be parked almost everywhere;-)
Just to the info…
I see that differently, but good.
But a decent motorcycle is weatherproof and can stand there as long as the owner finds it right
Of course