Abstand Bremsbelag zu Scheibe?
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Öffnet eine Autoscheibenbremse den Sattel immer aufs Maximum (wie bei einer typischen Fahrradbremse) oder passt sich der Bremssattelweg dem Verschleiß der Bremsbacken an?
Anders gesagt, muss man das Bremspedal bei verschlissenen Bremsen mehr durchdrucken als bei neuen Bremsen?
Ich hoffe man versteht meine Frage – etwas schwer zu erklären.
Vielen Dank!
No, because hydraulic. Is the same with a common hydraulic clutch.
When the brake is released, the brake piston is retracted only until the disc is free. The retraction of the pistons mainly completes the sealing collar of the piston, then the disk then runs completely free due to a small plane travel deviation of the disk (axial impact).
In the case of worn deposits, the pedal travel does not increase because the master brake cylinder always presses the liquid germ volume required for displacing the pistons and the lining up to the installation into the system.
The path of the lining and thus of the piston is always approximately the same since the brake has a wear compensation.
An increased pedal travel is more a sign for too old brake fluid or air in hydraulics.
Then you would have an empty path in the pedal during each brake. The further the coverings are worn out, the greater this would be.
It’s obvious it can’t be that way.
the whole is a hydraulic system with compensating tank – so it does not make any difference from the pedal travel