Absence Epilepsie durch kranke Hypophyse?

Seit meiner Kindheit ab einem Alter von ca. 15 Jahren habe ich immer mal wieder “Aussetzer”. Als Jugendlicher wurde ich einfach nicht ernst genommen, später habe ich mich öfter kurz nach den Aussetzer ins Krankenhaus oder zu Ärzten begeben, es wurden Tests auf Epilepsie usw gemacht, alles negativ.

Hier mal eine Beschreibung wie ich die Aussetzer erlebe.
Anfangs gibt es zwei Arten wie ich merke, dass ein Aussetzer naht.
Entweder ich habe ein etwas verändertes Bewusstsein und fühle mich, als wäre ich lange in einem Film oder so versunken und als würde mir gerade bewusst werden, dass das hier Real ist. Auch habe ich manchmal das Gefühl einfach Bewusstlos zu werden und daraufhin stellt sich der Aussetzer ein.

Kurz danach weiß ich nicht wo ich bin. Meist habe ich das Gefühl jemand hätte mich angesprochen oder ist mit mir im Raum obwohl ich alleine bin. Ebenso weiß ich nicht wieviel Uhr es ist oder welches Datum es ist. Ich kann zwar kommunizieren, meist ist das wohl aber eine Art Abwehrhaltung, wenn man mich anspricht sage ich sowas wie “Moment, warte kurz” und tuhe so als hätte ich schlimme Kopfschmerzen oder sowas.Aber garnicht bewusst.
Heute auf der Arbeit hatte ich das innerhalb von ca. 6 Stunden dreimal. Jedesmal während ich mit einem Kunden telefoniert habe. Zweimal habe ich etwas rausgesucht, bekam den Aussetzer und habe nach mich umgucken und so tun als wüsste ich was ich tuhe (auf irgendwelche Tasten drücken etc, damit niemand merkt dass etwas nicht mit mir stimmt) und habe irgendwann nach Gefühlt einer Minute, als mein Gedächtnis zurück kam gesehen dass noch jemand am Telefon ist. Ich habe mich rausreden können, ich hätte PC Probleme usw. Bei einem mal wurden mir von einem Kunden Nummern durchgegeben und ich habe wohl während des Aussetzers immer weiter ja nach jeder Nummer gesagt. Interessanterweise ist mir heute nach dem Aussetzer aufgefallen, dass mir eine Situation das erste mal passiert ist. Undzwar dachte ich, trotz Orientierungs und Zeitverlust oder was ich eigentlich gerade da mache, dass ein Kollege mir die Nummern durchgibt und wie ich mir die zum Teufel merken sollte. Zuvor ist mir nie aufgefallen, dass ich während des Aussetzers über irgendwas wirklich speziell nachgedacht habe.
Danach habe ich mich wieder mit PC Problemen rausgeredet.

Darüber hinaus habe ich seit meiner Geburt eine Hyphophysenvorderlappen Insufizienz. Nehme Hydrocortison, LThyroxin. Bin manchmal also stressanfällig.
Der letzte Aussetzer war glaube ich vor etwa 3 Wochen oder so. Manchmal habe ich Monatelang nichts, manchmal häuft sich das.

Besonders anders, vlt. stressig war jetzt, dass ich gestern Abend wegen Verdacht auf Blindarmentzündung kurz zum Bereitschaftsarzt musste. Lag doch nur an geklemmten Nerv, aber hat mich eventuell schon etwas gestresst.

Jemand ne Idee? Ich dachte länger an Absencen aber die soll man meist ja garnicht mitbekommen. Ich bekomme das aber immer mit. Und es nervt einfach.
Zumal ich durch solche Situationen Angst um meinen Job habe.

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1 year ago

So, a well-known of Me, has similar problems with absences as you and you already have prescribed anti-epileptics and takes the regular. However, in your case it is not possible to obtain a better and stronger anti-epileptic because of the medicines combination and effectiveness and that does not take too close to each other, since then contraindications can occur, so that a drug raises the other from the effectiveness. It also often has it when it becomes stressful or if you have problems with your intestinal medication or thyroid medication.

For Me it also sounds more like an epilepsy, which makes itself noticeable by short loss of consciousness and phases with you.

Computer also belongs to the trigger functions when you have epilepsy. You don’t have to spend so much in front of the PC at time and take a break.

I recommend you go to the doctor of endocrinology and also to the neurologist and gastroenterologist, who is a good cooperation with your doctor and the doctors, can help you to get clear with your health.

Whether you want to go to a specialist in neurology and psychiatrists is in your own interest, which he can also see if fear and panic still play a further role, and it leads to exaggerations with loss of consciousness or not and how long it is with you and how it makes itself noticeable. Maybe a 24h-EEG would be very helpful to look at how it is like sleeping with you, can see that you work similarly to work, then on the PC to have a similar condition, which at the EEG you can recognize very good epilepsy and also some other things when you measure the brain currents.

I can tell you from my own experience that I am not able to learn for the college if I am under stress and cannot concentrate so well because I then have to fight with superstructure pain and headache. I am also open and honest, which I then rest at home on such days after that until everything has relaxed again with me. Having only been with exams or when I am sick, but I could clarify it yesterday and take part in it reasonably again today without being exposed to a stressful situation for me, also had the feeling of having a blackout while reviewing the short level of learning, but fortunately it has not been a exam, just a test for the new semester where the situation occurred. Even if I can have 1 note better, from my point of view-because I know what I can bare, I can be very satisfied with it, because it is a good note for Me in the most difficult subject for me, because the 2 new boys men= sound/deflecting/zero respect/resistance for lecturers) studying have been something unfair to me and very disturbed me and could only end me with difficulty. The Rector’s Council only wondered that I have become so direct to the new boy man and said that if the lecturer explains what, you have no private conversations to lead and not to roar into my ear, that is annoying and is unrespectful to us and the Rector’s Council, if He wants to explain what, you have to keep your mouth, and I have got headaches for you. Then the Rectorate only said to the situation that He wants to do his work calmly and the young man behind me should be a little more quieter so that everyone can concentrate and work together and He does not want to have any stress in the course. To me as a SV representative He said not much, except that I should try to calm down and concentrate again and if I don’t feel good, I can go or to WC, otherwise remained calm, asked Him only if He could explain it again, because I couldn’t understand Him in the last 1-2 sentences, which the Rector Council explained to me again and was done the thing then. But from the whole, the Rector’s Council otherwise gave me the right that such a behavior is not in order, from the two boys men, during a lecture, where what is explained and said a few sentences to this for the boys men, what they should think of in the future.

They have not been present today, the two young men who like to disturb. The boys men sat almost 1-1.5 m behind me and the Rector’s council stood almost 1-1.5 m next to me as it played off the day before yesterday.

Our old semester was present today and 1 new young students from a former semester were there about us and it was really very relaxed today, even the Rector’s Council said it was more fun to him that if we were all sensible and quiet and reasonable. The two disturbing boys men were not present today.

Sure, it’s not so beautiful when you have a disability, you have to take strong medicines and you’re a little slower, during the task processing, then you’re disturbed and the rest of the day stress was then physically needed for yourself, at home then rest.

It happened to me only once that I had to become a stand-by doctor, because my lecturer had sent me there and was not capable of examination, because I had no voice anymore, because of a strong inflammation at the throat head, and the exam was also allowed to fill out a post-write application with her, without an attest, only with justification, no more.

Of course, some health concerns can also affect and annoy, so you have to find an alternative and solution, whether at work or at the university etc. But it is better if you let it be cleared, so that it can be better again, I also went with an inflammation as it was then treated, I was allowed to go earlier to the doctor’s appointment, even that was not a subject and bad conscience I did not have to have. Since the lecturers said to me, it is better for you and us, so that not all are sick, even if it annoys you, your weak immune system. Mainly, you become healthy again and the exams you can postage later when you are healthy again, don’t worry about it. I think your employer will also have similar say that it is more important to him to have healthy employees who also take care of the stability of your health than that which refuses to be treated. Ask your boss for a personal conversation, that can help you very much.

1-2 lecturers are also sick and the Rector’s Council said to Me, which is more important to him to have healthy employees when I spoke to him on a topic like new Corona variant in the college, because my former lecturers were sick for a long time and I also get clear with your private, as we both have long distances to the university and Us like to entertain private on the way, on the same path. He also knows that we are talking privately with each other about such topics that we would like to be up to date, have a good conscience and have no worries.

But I would be open to you and honest about your health, it will help me personally more than if I had concealed it. Then they have more understanding for you and can find a different possibility for you in the company and be ashamed, for your health, which you cannot choose.