Abschleppdienst behält Inhalt des Autos?

Mein Partner und ich hatten vor kurzem einen VK Unfall, wo uns einer frontal ins Auto fuhr.

Die beiden Autos wurden von einem Abschleppdienst von der Polizei gerufen, abgeschleppt.

Mein Partner versucht jetzt verzweifelt seine privaten Sachen (portmonee, Kaufvertrag, Geld und diverses) aus dem Auto zu bekommen.

Die abschleppenfirma erlaubt uns dies nicht da sie erst die Kosten vom abschleppen von 400 Euro haben wollen. Daher würden sie alles einbehalten.

Ich kenne sowas nicht, als mir das mal passierte mit einem Unfall konnte ich meine privaten Sachen aus dem Fahrzeug nehmen nur das Auto blieb solange auf der Platz stehen bis die Summe beglichen war.

Könnt ihr mir helfen ob das rechtens ist?

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5 years ago

Call the police or go and ask if the right one is to keep your papers, wallet, etc., at least the wallet and papers must give them out, because the things you need and you were not able to get them out before towing. If it’s not right, they can help you at least get the wallet. There’s not only money in there, but also ID, driving license, bank card, etc. in it you need.

Do they take the responsibility when in the meantime when the cars are broken down and various cars are broken up and items are stolen? I’m sure they’ll talk about getting the stuff out, but how should it go if you got hurt in the accident and had to go to the KH?

Turning on a lawyer is a good idea.

5 years ago

Then go back and explain to him that only the insurance has to pay and they have your car as security. Otherwise call police. They can’t keep your papers, etc.

5 years ago

Call the police or your lawyer and ask for… better even personally. And if that’s not right, you can reimburse me for killing.

If enough complaints come together, he is no longer called by the police.

5 years ago

The two cars were called by a tow service from the police, towed.

Then the vehicle was probably secured for proof. If you want to get things out of this, you have to go to the competent police station and ask for a corresponding permit to surrender. Otherwise the tow can’t even touch the Fzg.

The tow company does not allow us to do this because they want to have the cost of towing 400 euros. That’s why they’d keep everything.

This is in any case inadmissible, and probably also wrong. The costs are borne by KFZ HP, either your (and recovers the money according to the debt question in the insurance of the accident opponent), or that of the accident opponent himself. For this purpose, a cost acceptance declaration is necessary, then the towing service directly calculates with your VR. Everyday life.

5 years ago

I guess the company had bad experiences. That’s what we have for the first time.

Why didn’t you take out the personal stuff immediately?

5 years ago

pays the towing, letting in account and with the polluter or Submit insurance

until the verse is stirred; the fastest way to get your property

5 years ago
Reply to  Jessley166

then put it out; is your partner

5 years ago

that would be the fastest variant – @FordPrefekt has written you something but that takes…