Abschied Katze?


Leute meine katze wurde letztes Jahr eingeschläfert

Sie war immer auf meine Mama fixiert und wo sie Krebs bekomm hat fing sie an immer auf mein Schoß zu komm wen ich zu Hause war sie hat mein Gesicht geputzt mein Handy mit den Kopf weg gestoßen immer mit mir geschmusst

Ich konnte sie hoch nehme ohne das sie zicken macht was bedeutet das mit ein Mal

Kurze Zeit später mußte ich Abschied nehmen sie hat gemautzt nix mehr gefressen hab sie hoch genomm und übelst geweint sie bleib auf mein Arm hat sie gemerkt das es mir sehr schwer fällt?

Ich habe sie beim Tierarzt fest gehalten und gestreichelt war sie mir dankbar weil sie normalerweise spritzen hasst

Ich hab sie auch selbst begraben ich bin ihr so dankbar für die ganze Zeit auch wen das Gesicht putzen genervt hat

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1 year ago

I can understand the sadness and memory.

I have two wonderful dogs, but the first one, died without remedies at 15 years, has a firm place in my heart. And now that I report on him, the tears come to me. At the end he saw and didn’t hear well. Actually, with me always without leash, he was happy to be led.

When I was out of the house, he took care of the house. Now he’s been watching the apple tree for a few years under which he’s buried.

1 year ago
Reply to  Windows13

You’ll have a cat again. At the latest when you pull out:-) And she’ll piss you off and eat pudding with you. Definitely. And that’s how it should be.

1 year ago

I don’t know what your question is now. But… “Different cat?”… yes, that’s a little awfully heavy… and sometimes, too, years later, you’re still sad about this painful moment.

Even I had to let three cats go… my first cat was almost 20 years old. Her kidneys and thyroid glands were no longer okay… and at some point I didn’t want to encourage her the many drugs… she was just too old and too weak and at some point her bladder hadn’t really under control.

My second cat suffered from a change in the intestine, which then somehow led to liver inflammation. The veterinarians fought for your life for a week because it was only about 10 years old. Unfortunately, her body didn’t recover so that she just didn’t get an appetite, and I had to leave her with an extremely heavy heart.

And I lost my third cat about two months ago. She also had a kidney condition due to age, and at some point she didn’t eat and pulled back to death under my bed… =( – At the veterinarian, she rolled up on the table and wanted to say… that she wants to go…

It was incredibly sad every time… unfortunately I don’t have a garden where I could have buried my animals. That’s why I let them all crumble. In small cats, my favorites are now “at home” in the living room where they always liked to stay.

Currently two wonderful cats still live with me. Unfortunately, however, one of the two has been in kittens, a kidney failure… And that even after 7 years he still makes a healthy and merciful impression, amazed again and again. – However, I am always afraid that I might lose him in foreseeable time =(

1 year ago

We also lost two cats, one died of epilepsy, the other was also very sick and we had to redeem them. That was very hard for all of us and we still think of both cats. Even if you see such similar cats. But that’s all part of life. Join a time, take a goodbye.

Be sad. That’s normal, you can and should be sad.

1 year ago
Reply to  Windows13

I can imagine how you feel. But you should also be aware that she cannot come back. You had a nice time that’s over. Now I’ll tell you what… we haven’t had cats since. But we had a cat a few weeks ago…she was so sweet. And after a day it turned out that she lives in the street with us. She’s been acting like she’s one of us. Your owners picked them up sometime. That was sad. But for a short time we have been getting new visits from another cat that is always in the garden with us. She has several places where she sleeps, but eventually goes back. That’s nice to see that cats always belong to us. Maybe you’ll experience something nice like us soon.

1 year ago
Reply to  Windows13

I think so. I don’t want a cat back. Not because I don’t want to take care… I can’t see if a cat is sick. Have you ever seen what it looks like when a cat has an epiteptic attack?!

1 year ago

A nice easy connection. Cats determine…not the people;-)

1 year ago

That’s nice. An alternative, huh?

1 year ago

If there’s a cat in front of us at some point and it’s obvious she needs help, I’m sure I won’t say no. But now choose a cat specifically… no, certainly not. Our “visitor cat” approaches slowly, cannot be touched, is only there and enjoys the garden, no more. It’s okay. We’re talking. Your gaze says I feel comfortable here, but more not.

1 year ago

Like you, I thought. No more cats. Two faggots….so love. Make us almost nhur joy:-)

I didn’t stop it for three months after the death of our last cat. There was something missing when you came home from work. Now there are two…

And I’m afraid again if only one gets sick or has to go.

PS. I also know how it is when cats get seizures. Our Lara had them.

1 year ago

Sometimes cats feel they have to die.

Actually, they pull back.

I think that is the right thing to know, not why they become so handsome. Maybe she just wanted protection and security with you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Windows13

I can very well understand how you did. I had to let our beloved Strolchi go after 16 years in the penultimate year. He had a tumor on his neck. Inoperabel. One day he suddenly sat in front of me and looked at me as if he wanted to tell me.

And our Pauli died last year from a malignant tumor behind the eye. We even let him operate. He then had two good months and then left us. Soi a dear animal.(it was more predicted) Was blind and heart-sick and made 15 years. He was a real fighter.

Yes, it was very, very heavy every time.

But especially in animals, you should not be selfish and reasonable to decide.

Keep your cat remembered as she was.


1 year ago

There’ll be another one you’ll love.