Absage fachlich nicht ganz überzeugt?


Ich bekam heute eine Absage mit dem Inhalt Fachlich nicht ganz überzeugt, bei einer Stelle in der ich beinah überqualifiziert bin.

Das Gespräch lief eigentlich Top, die für die Stelle geforderten Angaben habe ich locker erfüllt, ich bin natürlich Gehaltlich an der obersten Grenze in dem Beruf, Erfahrung und Wissen eben, ich kann ja nicht sagen 40k, das wäre echt lächerlich wenig.

Ich besitze auch einen Abschluss, jedoch ohne große Erfahrung, für den überstehenden Beruf in dem Bereich.

Fachlich nicht ganz überzeugt kann niemals der Grund sein, mein Headhunter war im Gespräch dabei und selber auch sehr verwundert mit der Begründung.

Gespräche war auf 30 Minuten angesetzt und ich war n Stunde drin.

Das ist echt nervig, weil es ein gutes Gespräch war und nun doch Zeitverschwendung, ich weiß den wahren Grund halt nicht.

Echt für n Stelle aus der ich Jahre Erfahrung habe, ich hatte n Angebot aus der Großstadt die mir sogar mehr geboten haben, aber die Stadt ist zu weit weg mit 200 km.

Was glaubt ihr was der Grund ist?

Was persönliches?

Wobei gerade das eigentlich meine Stärke ist,ich war da auch 0 überheblich oder so.


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5 months ago

If it were personal reasons, the company will not tell you. In your text above you get arrogant. Maybe that was the reason, or you didn’t fit into the team.

I suspect, however, that your desired salary was too high. Most companies have budgets.

Of course, you can call the company and ask again. But don’t promise too much.

By the way: Every job interview is an experience to learn for future discussions. So it’s not a waste of time.

5 months ago

What do you think is the reason?

Superbness on your part.

I have not hired numerous candidates in my life – although they were quite qualified.

The problem was that they were so convinced by themselves and their knowledge that I did not see a chance that they would integrate into the company and let something be said by me or their pre-legislators or by more experienced employees.

Of course, it can also be that another candidate simply still better suited than you.


5 months ago
Reply to  OneforAll00

To be honest, I would have moved to the higher profession after a year at the latest,

I didn’t let you see that.

But you have

An experienced staffer suggests your body language, your queries and the like to the job you have applied for.

Is that your dream job? An emergency solution? A transition point? That’s what you’re saying.

5 months ago

Welcome to reality. There are now many applicants. The company does not have to justify the cancellation.

5 months ago

Call it and ask what exactly they think is not convincing. Maybe they’ll answer that to you

5 months ago

In order not to collide with the AGG, no employer will really call a justification for the cancellation.

5 months ago
Reply to  OneforAll00

We can’t judge it, it comes to the person and as you said.

5 months ago

I once said to a staffer who refused because (probably) overqualifies:

“Sorry, if I had known that only idiots were employed in this company, I wouldn’t have advertised myself!”

5 months ago
Reply to  OneforAll00

the view of the staffer was unpaid! 😀

5 months ago
Reply to  horribiledictu

I once said to a financial director, who was planning to have years of experience only in 90% of the task area: They were very lucky to have already been born as a financial director.

5 months ago
Reply to  horribiledictu

Of course, that’s how you can grow up. People know people and the world is smaller than you think. I’d be careful with this, maybe he’s the tennis partner of another staff member with whom you’re sitting next week.

5 months ago
Reply to  RoyalBeef

Something happened to a friend of mine. After announcing, the boss was insulted and the whole company was pulled into the dirt and was then resigned to the company where he wanted to start before the start of the contract, because their boss had received it over his network.

5 months ago
Reply to  RoyalBeef

I also know people to whom I can tell that applicants are being acquitted in this company and their time and money was wasted – he knew my qualifications from my documents before he asked me to speak for an application. So if I’m overqualified, he doesn’t need to waste my time with an interview.

5 months ago

I’m not saying that you’re wrong, I’m saying you’re always in your knees with unprofessionality. What you just told me was enough in response and would not have made you look like you had 0 impulse control.

5 months ago

Due to labour law, companies can and will never call you reasons for rejecting your application. They don’t want you, basta, move on and try elsewhere, everything else has no meaning.

5 months ago

First it says:

but without great experience

then you say

for n place I have years of experience

What now?
You just didn’t fit for them, find yourself out.

That the headhunter tells you what you want to hear is clear he deserves his money with you.

5 months ago
Reply to  OneforAll00

Then you missed the interpersonal. Can have 10 years of experience and IQ of 160 if you don’t fit in humanly, then you can also get a rejection. And as you describe the situation, and so convinced by yourself are “pff 40k ridiculous” because of it, you will probably have come over in conversation, and the personnel found it unattractive.

5 months ago

What are you gonna do about it? Sue you there? How long do you think it’ll take until you get the notice?

Just because you’re “overqualified”, you probably don’t want to have you.

5 months ago
Reply to  OneforAll00

What’s that for you?

5 months ago

Then work a little less to be superb. That’s exactly what happened to your “overqualification” at the possible partner.