Abrechnung / Entgeldabrechnung immer so hoch?
Bin bei der Sparkasse KölnBonn und die Abrechnung ist immer hoch mit im Dezember 92€ und jetzt im März 86€ und Entgeldabrechnung 44€ und 36€ das ist doch nicht Normal? Lohnt sich ein komtowechsel für mich jemand erfahrung gemacht?
A normal current account should not cost more than 10 euros per month (thus 30 euros in the quarter).
Either you have chosen an account model that is unsuitable for your purposes, or you use any paid supplements.
What exactly does it say in the billing?
The expert I’ve been looking for 😅😭 I’m looking at it right away but it’s not normal!
At the Sparkasse KölnBonn there is the “Giro Privat” and the “Giro Privat Comfort”.
The “Giro Privat” costs 5 euros a month, but additional costs for each booking are added (each 40 cents). The “Giro Private Comfort” costs 9 euros a month, but for this all normal bookings are free.
https://www.sparkasse-koelnbonn.de/en/home/girokonto/girokonto models.html
So there’s only a dispo of 3000€, but that’ll be booked separately?!
A granted dispo costs nothing at first. If you actually use the dispo, then, of course, corresponding interest will be calculated, but this should also be specified in the billing (in the account withdrawal facility).
So slowly everything goes on
I’m right there are 7 transfers to GB86 during this period, so Britain
And I can be paid at various online casinos that there is not one EU I need to ask thoroughly
Oh! Good to know so there is now 7× jewals 5€ so 35€ but after your research I have to get it again
This is Cyprus, the euro area and within the EU. Transfers should normally be possible without additional costs.
There have already been questions about high costs for transfers to Britain (UK) after Brexit.
CY10 9040 starts.
I thought more about the letters at the beginning of the IBAN.
Right, the enaderen part can explain the bank I thank you Master beautiful we still 🤝
So with com/de at the end should not be like that 🙄 Were several times individual transfers vlt therefore
Then the interest will explain at least part of the high costs.
You mention payments to an online casino – in which country is the account?
Transfers in non-EU countries are usually additionally calculated and are usually not included in a monthly fee. 10 euros or more per transfer are not unusual.
And in the case of debriefing, 35€ don’t give EU of which I don’t have any shimmer
I have in the facility is billing period of 01.10.2023-31.12.2023 interest for granted bank transfer for the 3000€ dispo.
But the money is eh away credit they can’t just change it for the future not normally really messing up the one that we 🙄
You say it is nix must safe Tuesday in the filliale
No, it’s not normal and disproportionately high. I don’t pay for my accounts, for example. I was at the savings bank, but I’m gone because of the fees. But there was also “only” just under 10€ cost per month
Do you have a model where every account movement costs? Additional services? Or are the interest due to exaggeration?
For the first time, you should find out what it is. If you want to stay with the bank, you can see if there is another model, otherwise change.
OK, what can you recommend? No more than dispo – 3000€
I myself at DKB and C24, otherwise ING and Comdirect
You only set up or use it?
10€ Fees there I would be happy 20€ but everything else too much!
They’d be too much for me, too. Are 120€ per year you can save
Use it is full
Yes, the interest for overdraft is in the facility
Thank you. Sparkasse is long gone the people are right
C24 in the base account unrestricted, the other three under 28 or from 700€ monthly cash receipt
Every machine. However, possibly only from a certain amount or free only x times per month
They’re free? And where can you take money?
Oversight, thanks 👍
I wrote. DKB and C24
Right. Was playful and that’s why I missed it, but now I don’t pay it any more and then the banks play an advantage!
What bank are you with when I can ask?
You know that at Sparkasse CONCLUSIONmoney?
That means any transfer, any debit, every time money pick up, every month the transfers
+ Normal Account Fees
Money for the savings bank.
So I’m not there
Where are you now?
Was playful got a lot paid in online casino vlt about that?
This varies depending on the savings bank.
There are around 350 different savings banks with different conditions, and almost every savings bank offers a selection between several different account models, many of them with a monthly flat-rate price.
It is also the responsibility of the Savings Bank in 2024 and it is generally paid for fees.
Go to ING or DKB, you don’t pay anything.
At the moment dispo will it be transferred?
You should think about making a therapy for gambling addiction and looking for a debt counselling.
So I go every 2nd week to talk to the addiction next week it’s ready again!
Guiller Consulting is the appointment taken next week, in therapy I am already presently
Why do you have to pay so much? Do you make a lot of transfers or get a lot of money? It costs everything. Check what the fees are for.
It’s not like any other person, even if you get bills. Just online casino I had paid a lot
Well, I don’t have so much bills. I pay the 10 Euro fees for my account. This is still far from your amount you have to pay. Look at what you have to pay for. I’m sure you’re listed what you’re paying for.
OK for the fees is only debiting 9€ I don’t have to go to the branch this day!
So with me, there’s an expression on the account extract that says what the fees are due for.
10€ is really happy! That’s too much! We can check it out, you know that?
There is no indication of the proportion of bank charges and the proportion of interest on the dispo loan.
In addition, one should know what the account models were chosen.
The dispo is considered to be expensive everywhere. If you want to have yourself as a customer at all. Depends on what the Schufa says.
How can I do that?
Yes, you can throw the money into the gulli, as you probably have too much.
Is clear with – 3000€ dispo 😅