Möchtet bzw seid ihr am ab oder zunehmen? Wenn ja warum?
Möchtet bzw seid ihr am ab oder zunehmen? Wenn ja warum?
Hi, ich frühstücke jetzt erst, weil ich heute etwas später aufgewacht bin. Ich hab mir Frühstück gemacht aber ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das jetzt eventuell zu viel wäre. Soll ich eine Brot Scheibe weglegen? Ich möchte unbedingt abnehmen und auf 45kg kommen. Danke
Tut ein tritt zwischen die Beine wirklich weh? Wie fragt man jemanden es zu testen ohne das es peinlich wirkt? Oder wie passiert es einfach ohne das man fragen muss?
Und wie alt seid Ihr ?
Hi, Ich bin 15 Jahre alt und bei der Geburt dem weiblichen Geschlecht zugeordnet worden. Ich bin zurzeit 164cm groß (war vor zwei Monaten noch 162cm). Ich möchte gerne 170-180cm groß werden und dafür habe ich meine Ernährung passend umgestellt. Kann ich das Ziel erreichen oder ist das eher unwahrscheinlich? Danke für die respektvollen und…
I’ve had my weight since I grew up. Almost unchanged, with slight fluctuations. I’ve always been right about it, and I don’t see any reason to change. On the contrary, I like to see a trend towards an increase in old people and I am glad that he hasn’t caught me yet. And you?
I’ve been feeling around. 1 year no longer in my body and has been around now. 9 weeks by 10 kilos. you also notice, because my clothes fit me again and I no longer need to hide from my swarm or myself. (I was never very thick, but I never wanted to see myself in photos/in the mirror, I had nights more often nightmares, etc.)
Unfortunately, I don’t know if I got into a diet, I’m afraid of the increase, I want to keep going and eat less and less in general. But I can’t do anything about it.
At the beginning of the summer holidays I weighed 74kg, this morning it was 63.8kg.
I don’t know how much I want to lose, but I know that I’m going to go further…
Thank you for your answer. That doesn’t sound very good, but if your weight still fits your size, it’s not so dramatic when your BMI is in the good area. Otherwise try to eat more sounds just I know but you can do that
That doesn’t sound so good. You should really get help if you can’t do it anymore. A lot of girls are dying of magic. And you don’t need to be afraid of it when you eat healthy. Control your portions and eat healthy and move well and so. Then you shouldn’t increase. In any case, please get help if you can’t make it or get serious problems.
Hi first,
I’m actually inconclusive if I’m supposed to keep my weight or reduce it because somehow I’m very happy with my weight, but somehow my belly goes a bit into the width and I don’t like that…😪😐😔
I am 13 years old 164 cm tall and weighing 38 kg
Thank you for your answer:) you should definitely not reduce your weight you do not weigh much too much.
Because I’m too thick and I want to get thin. Easy. I am normal weight, but I find myself too thick and I want to lose 5 – 10 kilos. In 10 weeks or so healthy. For most of my friends weigh only about 40 kg and that’s mean. They are also a little smaller, but only a little bit, but I still want to lose weight. 5 kilos have to go down, because then my little belly goes away and then I’ll see if there’s another 5 kilos down. Maybe 🙂 but I’m not taking off right now, but next week I’ll start. And I would also like to grow 5 cm or something, because then I will finally look thin. In any case, I want to become so thin that it is not yet life-threateningly unhealthy, but then I stop.
You’re probably already thin and lose it doesn’t always have to be, sport is usually what needs to be done. It may also be due to your body shape (big bones) you mean to look thicker.
I thought sports would help. But you have to make a calorie deficit to take off. But I can do that. I’m also here to eat healthy. I eat a lot of sweet and so, but I hate finished almost food.
As “because”. Sure. You take off when you want to lose weight (whether desired or unwanted)
On weight loss because I have too much belly fat and overweight
Because my BMI says that icb should be 2.20m tall for my weight.
A mixture of both.
Losing fat muscles
Yeah, just lose some kilos.
No. I’m happy as I am.
Because I like it and I like it very much.
At the moment my weight fits
I’ll try it at least.
weigh straight 82kg at 1.65m 18/M.
I always enjoy everything but feed me well.
Currently neither.
Just try to keep me in shape and pay attention to me
I actually intend to take off because I am fat
too thin, why else? 😀
I started training actively months ago. Not because I was unsatisfied, but to refresh knowledge and techniques. My knowledge: I hate endurance sports.
Because my BMI is 30.8…
I’m just about to reduce my KFA.
I’m just as happy as I am
I’ve got to get 2 pounds on my weight. But I don’t know if I can do it, it’s also a cost question.
Would be good again, because I am underweight right now
That’s it.
Because I’m lazy
but would like to change
I want 5 more kg down to feel more comfortable.