Abnehmen (M21, 80 kg)? Möglichst ohne Fitness-Studio?

Hi :).

Ich bin M21 und wiege 80 Kilo und bin ca. 1,80 m. Ich habe einen kleinen Speckbauch und auch kleine Männertitten :(.

Ich würde gerne etwas abnehmen, da ich mich die letzten Monate schon etwas gehen lassen habe. Also ich hab vor paar Monaten mal noch 75 Kilo gewogen. Würde auch gerne auf 70 runter. Ich würde nur ungern ins Fitti wollen. Ich dachte mir es funktioniert auch wenn ich mich gesünder ernähre, also mehr Obst und Gemüse und zu Hause so ein 10-Minuten-Workout von YouTube ein oder zweimal täglich mache? Habt ihr Erfahrung und könnt mir Tipps geben? Vielen Dank 🙂

PS: Ich fühle mich selbst etwas unwohl so wie es jetzt ist und die Mädels würden etwas weniger sicherlich auch besser finden, aber in erster Linie mach ich es für mich. Ich hab mal noch drei Bilder von meinem Bauch im Sitzen angehangen.

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1 year ago

I’d like to take a little bit off, because I’ve had something going on for the last few months.
Do you have experience and can give me tips?

Yes, start today, not tomorrow or next week, after Christmas or when the fridge is empty.

1 year ago

Hello Phillipp,

actually normal weight and if you are upright
it looks very different. The bite stuff can
yes train away with more movement or e.g. simple
Climbing trains, the
Band discs during the day relieved . Helps in very
many muscle areas.
Good night and healthy sleep
Always happy
opi venerable

1 year ago

If you eat more consciously, do not mean, for example, any cola or other sugary drinks. No or little fast food or sweets. And build more movement into your everyday life. For example, use stairs instead of the elevator or bicycle instead of driving by car.

Your weight isn’t that high. You’re just a little scary, but you can handle it.

1 year ago

You could eat less, but it’s not that dramatic now. I’m harder than you and still feel comfortable!

1 year ago

Calorie deficit works super 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  philipp0216

You take less calories than you need. This is best done with tracking apps that count the calories you take. The app Yazio is recommended

1 year ago

It’s helpful if you move a bit. You don’t have to overdo it.

1 year ago

You have so-called “letters”. They come from the beer what you could leave or you won’t come around for a fitness training.

1 year ago
Reply to  philipp0216

Yeah, then you need chest muscles or they’ll keep hanging around. I’m really sorry, but you can’t starve them.🤷🏻 ♂️💪

1 year ago

Yeah, but that’s another question. There you are. It’s a novel. Have fun and do not exaggerate.

1 year ago

Even completely without you need to look like Rambo. A couple of chest muscles and then it looks good.💪👍 bundle️

1 year ago

Less energy than you consume ensures weight loss.

1 year ago

You don’t have to lose weight at all, not with calorie deficit or diet

1 year ago

You have a BMI of about 24.7. so just in the green area.ab 24.9 you are in overweight

1 year ago

Eat half and make regular sports.

1 year ago
Reply to  philipp0216

This is what you believe in the photos😂😂😂