Abnehmen ,heimlich‘?
Hi ich (w/15) will ca 5-7 Kilo abnehmen (so schnell wie es geht aber gesund)
Mit meinen Eltern hab ich das mal beredet und die wollen das nicht weil laut ihnen dünne Menschen hässlich sind.
ich fühle mich selbst aber nicht wohl in meinem Körper.
Gibt es Wege abzunehmen, ohne zb was anderes kochen oder essen? Da ich immer mit der Familie zsm essen muss
ich hab echt keinen Plan und die Ideen gehen mir auch langsam aus
You are not overweight, but you would also be absolutely normal weight with your size and age with 57 kg.
The easiest thing is to eat smaller portions. Eat slowly so that the saturation can be noticed in time. This should also be possible at home.
On the way, you can take care not to consume sweet drinks ( juice, soft drinks etc) and no sweets. Your parents have little influence on this.
And then you could move more and consume more energy. I hope your parents won’t stop it. So by bike or walking to school, looking for a movement-oriented hobby, maybe sports, stairs run instead of taking the elevator etc.
without corner data, size, weight, age, is hard to guess if your parents already win. Otherwise you could do sports and walk away (joggen). That would be inconspicuous, say this as compensation and burn calories. Take a few sports shoes, sports pants and cover a stretch, not too dangerous (single) and go. You don’t have to run through, go in between, get something. Main thing regularly. LG
I think you have to eat with the family. There’s nothing wrong with that.
What you can do to take off:
–> Also a nutritional conversion realizes your body and you will also decrease a little bit directly
—> Avoid grain, especially wheat as good as it is and eat only sometimes sweet (Portionate this, for example, pack sweet into a bowl and that is the amount you can take in a week maximum to you—> means also, set yourself limits)
Come on! LG <3
With your weight, everything is good.
How big are you and how much are you?