
Hallo ich wollte einfach mal nach fragen ob es stimmt das ich zu nehme wenn ich nicht die nötigen Kalorien zu mir nehme die man Körper benötigt (2500-3000) meine Freundin erzählte mir davon das wenn man nicht auf seine Kalorien kommt das der Körper irgendwie das was ich esse sofort ansetzen lässt.

stimmt das?

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1 year ago

How is this supposed to make logical sense when the body continuously needs energy? The body doesn’t conjure up. So as long as you take less energy than you consume, you will lose weight because the rest is taken from the fat reserves (or muscles).

1 year ago

If you regularly take less calories than your body needs, this can lead to a slowdown in your metabolism. Your body could try to save energy, which might lead to weight gain if you eat normally again. It is important to maintain a balanced diet to support your metabolism and your health.

1 year ago

Jein. If you eat too little, you’ll get into a famine that makes you start faster.

A small deficit (300-400kcal) decreases.

However, you should have your necessary calories calculated by the professional, which is done by breathing test.