Abnahme nur während periode?

Hallo also ich wiege eigentlich 60kg aber jz hab ich mich mal so während der periode gewogen und wiege aufeinmal 52. Ist das jz wirklich so oder ist es nur während der periode und das Gewicht kommt nacher wieder?

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1 year ago

If it were the period, you would like to vary strongly. 8 kg is a house number for fluctuation but if necessary you weighed the day of the highest and lowest water retention.

Real decrease goes in and outside the period. Water retention etc. do not always make it visible.

Depending on how big and old you are staying your weight but in the eye. 52 can be quite little, depending on the size.

1 year ago
Reply to  tierche

It means that you can restock 3.4 or 5 kg of water in the next days.