Abmahnung gerecht?

Ist die Abmahnung gerechtfertigt?


Ich arbeite bei einer Zeitarbeitsfirma im Bereich Küche.

Ich sollte gestern bei einer großen Firma eingesetzt werden, dort an der Anmeldung angekommen sollte ich entweder meinen Führerschein oder meine Bankkarte als Pfand abgeben, um eine Zugangskarte für die Kantine (in der ich arbeiten sollte) zu bekommen.

Da ich keinen Führerschein besitze, sollte ich meine Bankkarte hergeben, was ich aber verweigert habe. Ich habe vorgeschlagen, meinen Personalausweis dazu zulassen, was ablehnt worden ist.

Da ich es abgelehnt habe, meine Bankkarte zu hinterlassen (wer würde das auch machen??)

Wurde der Zutritt mir verweigert und ich konnte dort nicht arbeiten.

Mein Arbeitgeber hat mir gesagt, dass ich durch mein Verhalten jetzt eine Abmahnung kassiere, aber ist das rechtmäßig?

Was hätte ihr getan in meiner Situation?

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1 month ago

Quite wrong, a bank card as a deposit must not be requested, what is this for a mash? Both the company and your boss would clearly lose in legal dispute.

1 month ago

I’d probably have been okay.

I certainly wouldn’t have left my bank card.

If a driver’s license goes, the identity card must also go.

1 month ago

It is absolutely not common and also does not encourage the employee to deposit his bank card as a deposit.

You offered your Perso as a replacement, which was rejected (with which reason??)

Even the imposition of the Persos is legally at least questionable. Clearly, the company can demand that you prove yourself and collect your data accordingly, everything beyond that is unnecessary

In this case, your duty would be to inform your employer immediately that you cannot take up the work for this reason. I guess you did.

In this case, the warning is not justified.

1 month ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

You can also use the bank card

1 month ago

You did everything right. Here are the rules for handling any bank’s money card (first hit when searching):


Just the first point: “Don’t leave the bank card to any third party.”

I have never heard of such a procedure. I’ve already got access cards in many companies. I’ve never had to deposit a deposit. Usually you sign for receiving the card, and the entry is countersigned when returning.

1 month ago

No, the warning would not be justified. If one comes, you should do it.

1 month ago

had not been giving up

1 month ago

Did you call your employer right there at the reception? Since when do you have to deposit a deposit? And the bank card wasn’t at all, that would be negligent. If you receive a dismissal, contact a lawyer for labour law. There are other temporary workers, by the way.

1 month ago

No one out of my wife and my ancestors gets my bank card… absolutely no one!

1 month ago

Of course, that is not justified. Since when do you have to leave a “powder” to go to his place of work?????

A signature yes that you have accepted the access card, but to deposit a bank card or driver’s license as a deposit is certainly not lawful.

Everything’s done right.

If you actually get a dismissal and this is not withdrawn and removed from the file, I would turn on a lawyer for labour law.

Then I’d look around for another company. It doesn’t seem so serious to me.

1 month ago

When my son picked up money with my card, an employee told me that the card always has to be in my possession!

Can’t imagine that this is permissible.

I would have called the superior directly and said I didn’t do it.

1 month ago

The warning is not justified.

Request a signed document that has withdrawn the copy and that there is no warning against you. You can’t go to the labour court.

The rejection of your identity card and the desire of your account card is absurd!

1 month ago

Time work is always lean there you don’t have much codecision right

1 month ago

you did everything right, no employer has the right to take a bank card or even Perso.

you have the written order from the temporary worker.

you can go against the demolition. that is unjustified