Ablöse nach Unfall, wann und wie viel ca?
Diese Woche ist mir jemand beim ausparken in mein Auto rein…
Beide Unfallbericht ausgefüllt usw.
die Dame hats ihrer Versicherung noch nicht weitergegeben sagt meine Versicherung, ich solle noch 2 Tag abwarten…
hab mich statt einer Reparatur für eine Ablöse entschiedenen.
Die Delle ist ca. 20-30cm groß (Am Foto schwer zu erkennen) und Kratzer sind vorhanden.
wie lange wird das ganze Dauern bis etwas ausbezahlt wird auf mein Konto und wie viel wirds. Ung. Sein?
ist ein BMW 46 Touring
Remote diagnosis is always such a thing. If it stays at the fender, I would be on max. €1000, more than €500-800. If you don’t judge it, but only pay it out, then 19% will be deducted for the VAT that is not due. Then you can get a maximum of 810€ or 455-648€.
Don’t make the mistake and take a reviewer directly! If the damage is too low and the insurance does not demand, you will stay at the expense of it, because then a free or at least much cheaper estimate of your workshop would have been sufficient. I’d also get him directly in order to be able to forward him directly to the insurance company.
Duration? It’s difficult. Would say if everything goes smoothly and the insurance agrees with your demand and does not want to send your own reviewer, you can count on the money in roughly 2 months. Experientially more (probably clear) later…
“No, as my insurance representative said, wait 1-2 days to see if she has already reported it”
My goodness, you always make the same mistake!
Insurance representatives have NO APPLICATION OF GAR NOT, you can’t ask! If speaks with a consulting hotline of your insurance, but not with a representative fuzzy.
Simply report the damage to the opponent’s insurance so that it can be done quickly.
My sister had driven a parcel service driver a bump in the fender and the bumper hung down. The expert of the opponent’s insurance company came and accused the damage to their Ford Ka 1 (who didn’t get a TÜV for rust half a year later!) to 1405 euros, inconceivable.
But your damage would have to be over 2,000 euros, even if it were pure body damage without damage to the rear axle is.
If the rear wheel or the rear axle has got one away it will be much more expensive. In any case, an axle measurement would have to be made to just conclude that what is with the rear axle.
I’d insist. Theoretically you have settled until the question with the rear axle is even entitled to a rental car.
I think you overestimate the price I think. Loose over 2000€ is certainly not this one. Apart from that, it is not the rear axle – you see on the photo the bonnet… 🤨 If it stays at the fender, probably not even 1000€ on the invoice – a participation of the axle is not 100% exclude, but m.E. is quite unlikely. Overall, it must also be considered that the E46 is quite old and, depending on the running performance/age/state, does not represent a great value, beyond which the insurance will of course not be reimbursed. If your sister had actually run it as described, she has either had more luck than intellect, or Tüv-lostly disposed of too good a car.
However, I do not believe that with the 1000 euros. It’s gonna be a pig’s money for paint alone.
Besides, you are wrongly informed. Insurances pay significantly more for accident repair than the car is worth. There is also a conceptual basis for this. In the case of my sister, the car was never worth 1405 euros. I couldn’t believe it, but she sent me the account as a photo with the phone.
On the repair of course, the question is where. The insurance will presumably defend itself against the brand shop at higher damages in individual cases if the difference to the free workshop “remunerates”.
So my information is that the damaged person is entitled to the repair. My sister was paid 1400 euros without any restriction
At least I found an indirect formulation on the fast:
https://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/beliebte-kuerzungen-von-versicherungen-im-frame-ein-schadenRegulation-nach-einem- Verkehrunfall_096646.html
The last paragraph is the important one. For if the car is not a brand-bound workshop-check-book, the damaged person can very well be referred to a non-marked workshop.
I can’t shake it out of the sleeve, I don’t do it myself and I’m active in corresponding portals. If I had to look for the days, I don’t have a nerve tonight.
This is due to the fact that damage or regulation may not be better than before. The equivalent condition must be restored. Spare yourself in the entertainment of your car and choose a free, cheaper workshop for maintenance and repair (and also accept a possible loss of value as a result), there is no reason why the insurance should suddenly wear the much more expensive BMW service.
Show me an appropriate case where this is
It is not a paragraph, but a case-law. It is also not about having a right to repair, please read exactly. But there is the common case law that the insurance no longer has to do for your car, you also invest. So, if you’re not so busy paying for the expensive maintenance at BMW, because you have a free, cheaper workshop, the insurance does not have to pay the expensive BMW premium. The insurance may not in any case be called upon to do so, but it can do so, especially with unusually expensive damages. I’m kind of fit with this, because my wife is a lawyer and I’m always very interested.
There’s no idea! There is no restriction that the holder of an older vehicle would not be entitled to repair because this would not have been used by the BMW factory. If you mean there’s something like that, send me a link with the paragraph!
There is no more regular payment. Yes, a certain amount of damage regulation may go beyond value, but can be overlooked. Much higher only if there are exclusive individual or collector pieces.
The cost estimate on my part will come. An E46 is so old that it is not to be assumed that it is still used by the BMW workshop, so there is no entitlement to repair. Free workshop for painting of the fender does not cost the world – as roughly 200 to at most 500€ perhaps, then the spare part itself and the working time. Yes, you may be right at BMW, but not in a free workshop.
“No, as my insurance representative said, wait 1-2 days to see if she has already reported it”
What is this flat tong? You can report this yourself to the opposing insurance and choose a reviewer. He dictates the amount of damage and sends it to the insurance company. You’re letting the money pay off nicely and you’re done.
got ma so made since the insurance agent is a family friend ðŸ ̃
an elderly lady drove in and wanted to give me the blame for it, she meant I was in the parking ban and therefore she drove in 🫣 to keep there (was my daughter picked up)
she called the police and wanted to get out of the tailor because she was overwhelmed by the fact that I had fault in her bad parking 🫣
the police came and didn’t blame me and I was right…
is an older lady, even if she was naughty to me I let her call her the 1-2 days ðŸ ̃‚
Why wait? She has no disadvantages, just you.
If you keep writing here instead of calling the expert, it can take six or eight weeks.
yes., but 4 weeks will not take?
The faster the insurance report is, the faster you have the money. But you prefer to wait a few more days because the insurance agent (which, by the way, has absolutely nothing to do with regulation) is a “friend of the family”.
How long will I have to get rid of it?
The amount of damage must be confirmed by a reviewer or a car body workshop by cost estimate. However, only the net costs without VAT are paid out in the event of payment without repair.
And the duration?
It can take up to 4 weeks or more. Some insurance is happy to delay.
It’ll be a reviewer. And it then calculates the repair costs. It takes a few days.
But it’s not four weeks together, is it?
When I call the expert, he’s here after two hours at the latest. Opinion is then finished on the same or next day.
Good for you.
You just have to work with professionals.