Ableitung in der Physik?
das da ^
soll doch eine Ableitung darstellen, aber was ich an der Physik gar nicht verstehe, das ist doch nur ein Winkel??? Also nur eine Zahl? Wie soll man die einzige Zahl ableiten, das würde doch jedes mal 0 ergeben? Das habe ich jetzt shcon so oft nicht verstanden? Oder soll man eine Formel für den Winkel ableiten?
dV = dS/dt
phi instead of s gives angular velocity. Here only the green part was changed and Omega was baptized.
Thank you.
Thanks for the ⭐
the derivation of a constant results in 0. However, a time-dependent dimensionless number can have a derivation after the time which is not 0 and has the dimension 1/time.
Ahh, thank you.
This is probably not just a number, but a function that depends on time. The discharge of the angle is then the angular velocity. How often does this thing turn a second?
A question, how can the guidance of an angle be an angular velocity, I always thought the derivation of a normal number results 0?
Okay, thanks
Where do you see a constant? The angle is φ and depends on t: This is written as a function φ(t). And since φ(t) is not constant, the derivation is also not zero.
Or does this mean deriving (phi per time)?
Does a constant one derive to x not also yield 0 because no x is there? Or is that different with time?
The number (the angle) is not constant, but depends on t. So you can derive it. Don’t quite understand where you see a problem.
You can call any function Phi.
It’s about an angle, I’ve added an image
Yes, but it depends on time and is therefore a function value.