Ablehnung nach Bewerbung oder Vorstellungsgespräch?
Wann wird man am meisten abgelehnt?
Nach der Bewerbung oder erst nach den Vorstellungsgespräch?
Wie groß besteht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass man nach den Vorstellungsgespräch abgelehnt wird?
Und bitte mit Begründung.
how high the probability is depends on the number of candidates eligible
After the recruitment test, most of them are out.
The best are invited.
And that’s the one who’s best prepared for the conversation.
And how does the company realize how to prepare for the interview?
And how to prepare for the interview?
You can’t say that.
If there are few applications for the job, there are logically more job interviews.
If it’s a place where e.g. even the employment agency forces many people directly to apply because this is in their job database, are forced to apply many where every person with a healthy sense of human being and a bit of an idea in the ever. Area would say that this does not fit at all (the AA applies quantity before quality). Dementspr. more are not invited at all.
Where failures have generally become very rare. Because more and more applicants in a rejection see an invitation to a discrimination action, even without at least a certain amount. To have evidence.