Ablauf eines Fluges mit Umstieg?


Ich bin relativ unerfahren was Flugreisen angeht. Bin bisher nur einmal eine Kurzsztecke und auch nur mit Handgepäck geflogen.

Nun steht zeitnah eine Flugreise mit AirIndia von Frankfurt nach Bangkok mit Umstieg in Neu Dheli an. Wie genau ist nun der Ablauf am Flughafen in FFM, wenn ich Koffer zum aufgeben habe? Reicht es, 4 Stunden vor Abflug da zu sein? Muss ich den Koffer in Neu Dheli neu aufgeben oder wird er direkt weitergeleitet in die Maschine weiter nach Bangkok.

Danke vorab! Ich will bestmöglich vorbereitet sein und nichts falsch machen.

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1 year ago

1. Always be there very early. At long distance I like to be in 3 hours before the start at check in. I’ve seen a lot. You don’t think what stupid situations can happen, so everything is delayed. Just be the train that’s out.

Two. Note all the rules. There are now rules in the security check, you don’t get around. Proper pack sizes in transparent bag. No nail scissors or something. It saves time and stress.

3. Got enough money in different currencies. With euro or dollar you actually get out everywhere.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fabi2803

At the airport it is accepted or you can change it (euer).

What are you doing when the credit card is broken? I actually did. In addition, bizarre high fees are required when debiting, why always. When I found out at Antalya Airport, I paid a lounge.

200 Euro per person is enough. PS. You can sleep well in so many lounges if transit times take longer. Food and drinks are free. It is best to travel in the group. One stays awake and fits.

1 year ago

I really don’t understand how people come to 3 or 4 hours earlier. Two hours earlier is more than enough. Even with international flights, I am an hour earlier. Because then you don’t have to wait at the gate for so long.

1 year ago

what do you want 4 hours before the airport? 2 hours before is enough. you’re going to check out, and that’s all right. in new dehli you get out and go to the platform for your further flight and check in there.

your luggage will be transported from one aircraft to the next

1 year ago
Reply to  Fabi2803

oha, yes your friend and helper

1 year ago

4 hours are a lot, but if you feel safe you can go shopping or get something for the flight to snack. Otherwise, two hours are enough.

Check out if you need to pick up the baggage or if it is transferred directly. The former is common.

Hope you won’t fly on Monday!

1 year ago

Depends on how you booked.

If you’re there 2 hours before boarding, relax.

1 year ago

Two hours before. I.d.r. will pass the baggage into the next machine, so you don’t have to pick it up and give it up again.

1 year ago

Four hours. If you continue to flee from Delhi with AirIndia (or Partnerairline), the baggage will be checked automatically in Frankfurt, i.e. in Delhi

1 year ago

It should be 3 hours before long distance travel. Security check and long distances in Frankfurt.

When you change, you go to the transition gate only with hand luggage. The big baggage is reloaded.

See how much baggage is allowed at the airline on the homepage.

Medicines and emergency care if the suitcase is lost in the hang bag, liquids in the suitcase.