Ablauf am Flughafen London Stansted?
Hey:) Ich wollte mal fragen wie das alles so am Flughafen abläuft, da ich noch nie geflogen bin. Also ich habe ein Handgepäckkoffer und eine Handtasche dabei und fliege mit Ryanair. Ich habe auch schon ein online Check-in für den hin- und Rückflug. Jetzt wollte ich fragen wo ich hin muss und wie das abläuft. Mache mir vorallem über den Rückflug Gedanken ob wir auch alles am Flughafen in Stansted (London) finden. Danke im Voraus:)!
I flew from Frankfurt to London Heathrow once! The flight also went to Ryanair. I found luggage very easy again! There the staff is also very nice and helpful!
With a lot of bad luck, you lose something! But I can calm you down! All Super and Easy!
Okay, thanks for the answer. How does it all go where I have to go first when I already have the ticket?
You have to go to your gate. If you’ve already checked in, you’ve already got the board card, and there’s usually the gate on it.
If that’s not true, At the airport there are information boards with all flights of the next two hours or so. You can look for your flight. Or you ask someone from Ryanair or from the information.
You have to get through the security check. That’s why you should know which gate you need to follow – there are different entrances in this inner area after security control.
Once you’re through the security check, you can basically wait at your gate. Or you just look where your gate is and you’re back there 45 minutes before departure. You usually go 30 minutes before departure.