Abitur und Erzieher Ausbildung oder Ausbildung als Kauffrau für Büromanagment?
Es gibt eine Schule wo man Abi und Ausbildung gleichzeitig machend kann.
soll ich das machen da ich unbedingt beides haben will oder nur Ausbildung Kauffrau für Büromanagment
Hi! I’ve read out through your answers to another comment that you don’t really know where to go, right? So I’m sending you links to various free professional tools, maybe a tool will help you?
I wish you all the best for making decisions!
Greetings Heike from the project contact next
If you want to become an educator and need the exam for a later study, do it.
Office businessman is a completely different bull, you should know about what area you want to work and what your further plans look like.
So I would really like to work in the office but don’t know so
I think that educator is just something for someone who makes this appeal, with body and soul. That doesn’t sound like you. If you want to work in the office, do the other training.
icz likes to actually work with children
the good thing that you can combine Abitur and training is why I want to do this
With Abi I would not want one or the other!
What do you mean?
With Abi, I would seek ways other than educating or a commercial doctrine, which is often mentioned here and which seems to be overrun accordingly. I’d rather kill myself in “Niche” what I’m trying to do in the market.
But I want to do Abitur and be able to study afterwards
Ne training that is appropriate, bank, administration, if you like it formal, what in one direction self-realization if you have courage etc…
What do you mean?