Abitur auf einer Gesamtschule oder Gymnasium?
Ich würde gerne mein Abitur machen da ich nicht weiss was ich machen will nach der Schule. Auf der Gesamtschule kriegt man wohl Noten geschenkt und es ist leichter aber ich müsste dann in eine andere Stadt fahren. Das Gymnasium gibts in meiner Stadt und eigentlich will ich da hin aber ich weiss nicht ob es sich lohnt oder ob es wirklich schwieriger ist. Ich bin nämlich auf einer Realschule und meine Noten sind relativ okay. Also Hauptfächer nur die Noten 1-3
Since the school exams are central and thus equal to the total schools and colleges, it is absolutely irrelevant.
I would like to doubt that you get good grades at the school as a whole, at least it wasn’t the case with me and you had to provide services. Teachers don’t give me anything.
I’m sure you have some time to decide for a school. I would recommend you to look at both schools, for example at the open day, which is held in November/December. You can look at the rooms and, if necessary, also talk to students.
You should also inform yourself about the course offer. Not every school offers the same courses at upper level.
thank you for the answer yes this year
It doesn’t matter. Although there is the nationwide uniform Abitur, the exams are corrected by teachers at school. There is a lower level of performance at all schools: It’s “simple” and the notes are better. – It’s just a statement.
If you want to do Abi, you’ll have the same exams in the end, whether it’s total or high school. If the way to the school is significantly longer than that to the gymnasium (e.g. 45 min for total and 15 min for gym), I would advise you to take the gymnasium.
Yes it would have to go by bus so 25-20 min but the gymnasium is close to my current school so 10-5 min I guess
The audits shall consist of only 1/3 of the total score 😉