Abischnitt bei Uni-Bewerbung?
Hi, wisst ihr, ob es bei dem Bewerben von Unis nur auf den Schnitt ankommt (also z.B. 1,6 | 2,3) oder die gesammelten Punkte (z.B. 700 von 900 maximal möglichen)?
Weil könnte sein, dass ich genau an der Grenze liege, eine bessere Nachkommastelle zu bekommen
Whether only the cut or the collected points are decisive for university application depends on the respective course of study and the university. There are 3 different procedures.
1. Abiturbest rate
Two. Selection procedures of universities
3. Additional aptitude rate
You can find which admission procedures apply to which course of study, on the websites of the respective universities.
Good luck
Thx for ⭐.
Just cut.
Okay, then I have to try hard just because I lack a single point 💀
If the distribution of the “last” available places of study becomes narrow and several applicants have the same Abi average grade, then the score is also taken into account.
Okay. Then I’ll take a step.