Abi nach Maurer Lehre, danach VWL?
Servus Leute,
Ich bin mit meinem jetzigen Beruf recht unzufrieden und möchte daher mein Abi nachholen bin 19 Jahre und habe eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung zum Maurer erlangt, fragt sich mir nur wie da der übliche Werdegang ist ob ich nur in die Abendschule kann oder auch in Vollzeit mit ein paar Minijobs. Oder gibt es für den Studiengang VWL irgendwelche Lücken die es auch ohne Abi möglich machen zu Studieren… Vielen Dank für eure Antworten!
If you want to study at a university of applied sciences, you will also be able to study the university. It takes only 1 year after a lesson.
Well, usual? Not so many masons do Abi after that. I am not sure if this is not different from the federal state to the federal state. You could go to an upper school or to a professional college. I think it’s only on the second educational path. A
you could probably write a general school and ask. They should know that. Evening school, I don’t think it should be. For a professional gymnasium at vocational schools, you have more lessons during the day. This can also vary from school to school.
There are definitely possibilities. And hopefully you find one where you can make enough money to live next to you.
There are some gaps as far as I know no course of study. At least not in Germany. There are countries like Ireland or the Netherlands, where this is a little easier. But I don’t know the current state.
VWL is certainly feasible. The question is how the job prospects are. If you’re technically well enrolled, maybe you’ll study something technical if you trust it.
As an academic, I very much welcome this when people decide to study later. I would try to get in touch with a few students from your desired study program so that they can report from their experiences. For some, a study is a Klack, but for other people hard work. So inform yourself!
Please tell me if you can help the information!