Abgelaufenes Proteinpulver wegschmeißen?
habe gerade eine große dose (5liter) Proteinpulver meines Sohnes hinten im schrank gefunden. Es ist 03/2021 abgelaufen.
Meine Frage, kann ich das in der toilette runterspülen oder verstopft sie dadurch?
Will es nicht unbedingt im müll entsorgen
Danke für eure Tipps.
Why throw away?
The stuff is completely overpriced and can be stored almost indefinitely as powder. You can sprinkle it as an ingredient in your vegetable dishes, it doesn’t get poisonous just because it’s a little overlaid.
Attention is to be paid when moisture should come, that you may see the “bloods” of the mold and also this unmistakable smell.
it smells funny, I don’t care how expensive it was, you can throw it away, you have to go
Proteins derived from ?????????? also have a odor, such as dried cereals, teas or other herbs.
Watch out for mold smell!
If it has been stored dry, I do not see any problems in it.
mold is formed only in moist areas
If it was stored dry, you don’t have to dispose of it.