Abgelaufener Schwangerschaftstest?
Hi, da ich 1 Woche überfällig bin, habe ich einen SST gemacht, obwohl die Wahrscheinlichkeit ohnehin sehr gering ist. Dieser war ein Jahr abgelaufen und negativ. Hattet ihr schon Erfahrungen damit? Ich habe gelesen, die werden wenn dann eher falsch positiv als falsch negativ. Bitte keine Klugscheißer Antworten ich solle einen neuen kaufen, es geht mir darum, ob ihr mit sowas Erfahrung habt, da mich das Ergebnis ohnehin beruhigt hat. Danke.
Are you soooo poor that you can’t buy a new test in the drugstore?
We told you yesterday that the last one must not trust.
I don’t know why you’re asking the 5 question about this topic.
Gives people who don’t have the money what a comment
To the 4,00€ at dm is too much??
Then hope you’re really not pregnant – such a child is fucking expensive!
This should have done the questions.
so I bought another strip test and it was just negative
From the 4 month, the belly begins to grow slowly.
are they pregnant women on the photos?
What you don’t see on the Internet…
Just ask women who have become mothers.
in the internet you already see in pregnant women?
No, you wouldn’t see that.
1.5 cm tall and 1 to 2 grams hard you don’t see
yes and there you would see changes in the wind, at least light
Sorry, but that’s bullshit.
You would now be minimum in 8. Week and in the amount of HCG, the second stroke would shine immediately as a luminous complaint – there is nothing to interpret.
With these you have to look exactly and you can get a 2. Form line
For example:
That was allmin that there are people who don’t have that