Abends viel kleiner als über Tag?

Hallo liebe Leute ,

ich bin tags über bestimmt 0,5-1,5 cm Größer, ich rede nicht mal vom morgens , da ich da noch größer bin sondern so nachmittags. Ich habe gemerkt wenn ich mich weniger bewege also am Tag hauptsächlich zuhause rum liege bin ich einfach über den Tag größer, als wenn ich mal raus gehe oder vom Training wieder komme. Welche Größe zählt jetzt eigentlich ( also wenn ich jetzt jemanden sagen muss wie groß ich bin) ? Und ist das normal ? Also abends, nach Training bin ich 184,5cm groß , aber so am Tag bin ich safe so 185 oder größer ( mit 15 /2monate ). Und glaubt ihr ich kann noch so 190cm groß werden ?

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1 year ago

Over night, the spine stretches during sleep. In the morning one is a little bigger and in the evening to the night, the distance between the spine is almost reunited and one is smaller than in the morning.

1 year ago

As a rule, people in the morning are up to three centimeters larger than in the evening. The reason for this is, on the one hand, the discs and, on the other hand, the gravity. The discs are located between the vertebrae. They ensure the mobility of the body and buffer impacts and pressure loads.

1 year ago

To answer the question with the size,

Yes it is completely normal over the day to “shrink” due to the load. What size you tell your friends is left to you.

And on the subject of whether you are growing,

According to statistics, you grow until the 21st year of life.

Your invalid size can only tell you your doctor, but these are also only forecasts. If you become bigger or smaller than the doctor says you can’t answer, you’ll see with time.

When or how fast you grow, no one can know.

1 year ago

So you’re smaller in the evening than in the morning, the east normal, because the discs will be compressed to say. You can therefore be larger than three centimeters in the morning. And concerning the addition of the size; these few cm make no difference, but I would just say 1.85

1 year ago
