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Mostly bread, rolls with incision or spread. If potatoes or noodles are left from noon, the evenings will be roasted with egg.
Since I am not at home during the week and have to satisfy myself with sandwiches, I usually cook in the evening. And so in the evening I usually have what usually comes to lunch elsewhere.
always warm 🙂
every Thursday gives us “standard”, so pommes with camenbert, schnitzel and so fresh cheese potato bags :PPP
and every Friday there are noodles, usually with tomato sauce 😛
and the other days vary. cute rolls, sometimes rice with so ner paprikasauce. a suppe or knödel / klößen :PP
What self-cooked.
Today there’s pumpkin soup. They were already there for lunch, but as I live alone I usually cook too much. Then there’s the rest of lunch in the evening.
When I cook only in the evening, the rest can be breakfast the next day. 🙃
Stock 14
Today there are pommes and so crunchy schnitzel 😁 Morning spinach potatoes and bratei and then noodles or bread time.
I still feel good. What brand?
I always take those with wave cut because others are too thick or too thin. But if the brand doesn’t know now, everyone is the same taste.
I also have the problem with Pommes. My oven is already a super oven, but Pommes never get right.
Yeah, we didn’t get those in the oven well.
It’s just expensive brand. Do they have wave cuts?
Mc Cain? Thank you.
I’ve got a couple of standard men…
Now I’m hungry.
You got the first. Menu listed and you knew you were Swiss. xD
Mostly 2 slices of multi-grain bread with different lining!
Almost always something warm.
Today e.g. Spaghetti Frutti di Mare
Döner, Dürum and Pizza.
Nothing. After lunch is over.
Miso Soup.
usually a bread time.
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