Abend, kann mir jemand sagen ob das echt oder Fake ist?
Bitte um Hilfe was muss ich tun? Echt oder Fake
Bitte um Hilfe was muss ich tun? Echt oder Fake
Hallo nur ne kurze frage zu nem kauf über Kleinanzeigen;) Hab mein Traumarmband gefunden für nen super Preis (100€). Es ist nur im Verhältnis zum Neupreis schon sehr billig. Ich habe deswegen misstrauen, ob es kein Betrüger ist. Da ich schon seit Jahren danach kucke will ich es unbedingt haben, möchte aber keine 100 Euro…
Hallo, Ich weiß, das ich keine Nachricht mehr von ihm bekommen werde. Und ich weiß , dass ich zu viel Hoffnung in ihn habe, aber wie kriege ich diese Hoffnung „weg“?? Ich kann mich kaum mehr entspannen und muss überall mein Handy mit hin nehmen.
Moin und zwar wollte ich einer Freundin eine Freude machen und zwar wollte ich ihr ein iPhone gutschein schenken aber sie wohnt in der schweiz kann ich Irgendwie online ein gutschein kaufen mit euro und ein franken gutschein erhalten und wenn ja wo?
Often, in these mails by identity theft real names addresses etc., one finds a “truth” that irritates:
https://www.bka.de/SharedDocs/Kurzmeldungen/DE/Warn hints/211201_FakeMailsBKA.html
Guillaume DINH can be found in the list below on the page:
At Schnellerstraße 139A Berlin is the federal police:
https://www.bundespoli.de/Web/DE/05The Federal Police/03Organisation/02Directions/Berlin/berlin_node.html
The same letter, this time with Winfried Wenzel, French. Mail address.
There are many comments on this fraud:
Find in this list:
https://www.biallo.de/consumer protection/news/bka-warnt-fake-mails-im-umlauf/
Watch the Internet🤔
The title “Minor protection brigade” says it’s a total fake. Delete and forget.
Thank you.
Of course, the fake is alone because of the privacy policy. But even in media, these letters are warned against. So please do nothing and move it directly into the spam or log it.
You will never receive such e-mail by email, especially by mail.
Oke thank you
Apparent bullshit.
Thank you.
Nothing to thank!
Remember that true law enforcement authorities will never contact you by e-mail when you first contact, as they simply do not know the simple and gripping. In addition to this, an unannounced search of the house, including the seizure of electronic devices, is inevitable in crimes à la child pornography and sex trafficking. In addition, paedophilia is not punishable.
How can I better deal with this in the future?
I have deleted
Good evening,
I got the same mail today. Seems to be fake, too.
Was there anything else with you?
Evening, I got this a couple times, but that’s Fake. What’s in the mail is nonsense. Read the other answers I’ve been helped.
“Is publicly transferred to the media “
Need to say more 😅
https://www.mimikama.org/warnung-europol-mails night-fake/
That’s so clear scam.
How do you know
It’s a BKA virus.
Oke thank you
Each institution that has any power to prosecution in Germany will either send you a letter (letter with proof of receipt) or stand right in front of you.
What is it?
BKA warnts: Fake-Mails on behalf of the Federal Police – data and money in danger
https://www.biallo.de/consumer protection/news/bka-warnt-fake-mails-im-umlauf/
It’s a funeral attempt.
How do you know
https://www.biallo.de/consumer protection/news/bka-warnt-fake-mails-im-umlauf/
In the meantime there are different variants of this stuff
By informing me on the web and having experiences with official writing. That’s really bad.
Thank you
It’s Scam.
Is scam
BKA virus. You were on porn sites:D
😂😂 That’s why you shouldn’t create accounts on porn sites.
There is no need to visit porn sites.
Correct. HuiPeng spreads mischief to be funny.
Thank you, Schlaumeyer. The probability is higher.
Why? If you’re on Facebook and you’re pushed up once you’re on a child and it’s a punishment, where’s more likely? Facebook or smudge page123?
Yes, I mean
Okay, and what’s in my these?
Do you want me to sell kids rollers?
Whoever contradicts you is first dismissed by you as stupid and then as a troll. Great.
Markething – or any other thing.
So you want to tell me these mails are sent to which ones who don’t watch porn, with the setting I didn’t do anything and click it away?
as the one who looks porn and thinks I looked at nen kinder porn?
So you’ll never work at Markething.
I’ve read them, don’t worry, after all I’ve marked them as “not helpful”:
Read my answer above. There’s the answer.
Think does not hurt:)
hit dogs bite
Onaxer with you is also the light and nobody is at home wa?
I don’t think you understand the meaning of these mails, do you? They don’t just do that.
It’s because you’re watching porn and you’re gonna get DENKEN SOLLST that you watched children’s porn and kiss.
And that happens when you log on to porn sites.
There is probably no difference, this stuff is sent to all email addresses that you have somehow experienced. It certainly doesn’t matter whether you have visited or not visited any site.
Think something. Then you can answer it yourself.