Ich wollte fragen ob mir jemand erklären kann, wie man solch eine Abbildungsfunktion aufstellt.Also, wieso jedes “Zeichen” dort steht wie es sit.
Vielen Dank.
Ich wollte fragen ob mir jemand erklären kann, wie man solch eine Abbildungsfunktion aufstellt.Also, wieso jedes “Zeichen” dort steht wie es sit.
Vielen Dank.
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hi ich übe gerade für eine Klausur. Aber ich brauche Hilfe bei dieser Aufgabe:(x+2)^2 = (x+1) (x-1) also die linke seite ist ja die erste binomische formel und die rechte die zweite. Also sieht der nächste schritt ja so aus: x^2+4x+4 = x^2 – 1^2 mit der linken seite hab ich kein problem. Aber auf…
First comes the name of the function (here f). The quantity of the definition range (here the range of the real numbers) which is mapped to the following quantity of the value range (here the quantity of real numbers) then comes behind the double point (here the quantity of real numbers) . Then the actual assignment follows: here, the value x2 is assigned to each x of the definition quantity. If you now draw “all” assignments to a coordinate system, you will receive the image of a parabola in this case.
Does it mean? not R->R but, for example, Z->R (i.e. Def. range the whole numbers), then the parabel consists only of points, namely at the points where x is integer; the spaces remain free.
Thank you for your explanation!
I therefore assign the real x numbers to the real y numbers (observed the function f(x) =x2). However, does this also mean that if I have Z-R, f(x)=x2 -0.5, for example, as you have shown, and now set the whole number 1, I would still assign 0.5 to the 1? Would that go? (I used an integer?)
So the whole number only refers to the elements used?
Yes, exactly one element of the set of values is assigned to each element from the set of definitions, then the assignment is a “function”.
Do you mean with your second paragraph that all real numbers should be allowed in the definition set, but in the image set only natural, i.e. R->N? However, it must then be ensured in the assignment rule that values also result from the image quantity, otherwise there is no function. This would only be in relatively few cases, for example with constant functions: f: R->N f(x)=3. Thus, the function value 3 is assigned to each real number. Or you define a “return function” which assigns the rounded amount to each x value. But these are now “special spinneries” which probably go a bit too far.
Thank you. So I can always only assign the two quantities to each other. I always have to see if the result is in the e.g. value scale, then that fits.
How would I write that I just want to assign a lot of x the naptlrochen to pay?
On the left is the amount of definition, i.e. what can be considered as elements. What’s going to get out when you’re in, must be the right side.
This means that only integer values are suitable for x at f(x)=x2-0.5 with Def. quantity Z. The square numbers minus 0.5, i.e. x=1, f(1)=12-0.5=0.5, are then assigned out, so the function f contains the number pair (1|0.5).
the syntax is:
I don’t understand.
I give the general amount,
What exactly do you understand by the amount of image (why is R again here)? Then how do I indicate that f(x) is mapped to x2?
I have added my answer accordingly…
at f(x)=x2 you can limit the image quantity to non-negative real numbers if the DefMenge is real… if the DefMenge is integer, then the BMenge is natural-numbered with zero…
you don’t have to give the image amount to a minimum… so if the function maps everything to 1, you can still take the amount of real numbers as a picture amount…
in the DefMenge it is different… f(x)=1/x is not defined for x=0… so in the case the 0 strictly does not belong to the DefMenge…
so… f:X –> IN
Thank you. So I can always only assign the two quantities to each other. I always have to see if the result is in the e.g. value scale, then that fits.
How would I write that I just want to assign a lot of x the naptlrochen to pay?