Ab wieviel km/h ist das auto schrott?
Ich möchte mir ein Mercedes Cls 350 mit 150,000 Km/h kaufen ist das Gut oder schlecht? Es kostet 6,000€
Ich möchte mir ein Mercedes Cls 350 mit 150,000 Km/h kaufen ist das Gut oder schlecht? Es kostet 6,000€
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Mein Zweitakt Roller läuft nur ohne Batterie. Mit Batterie dreht er kurz und geht nach 1 Sekunde wieder aus. Mit Kickstarter starten ohne Batterie geht, man kann dann aber nicht blinken oder bremsen sonst geht er wieder aus. Woran kann das liegen?
So first you should book a tutor in physics, because km/h is a unit for speed and I hardly believe that a Mercedes will drive 150000kmh (km per hour) . Kilometers, so the running performance makes sense. For 6000€ there is also no CLS 350 at 150k kilometers that will drive.
How? You’re allowed to run a street cruiser like that with 15?
The information about the desired vehicle is a little lazy, only the KM and the price say nothing about how old the vehicle is, whether the KM power has been used more on long distances or on short distances, whether there is a repair store on the vehicle, whether the control unit of the SBC brake is already exchanged (usually comes to be worn about the km power) etc. and so on.
I don’t think the CLS is 150,000 km/h fast. When the engine starts to get problems, you can’t say in general. It always depends on the driving style of the previous owners, care, service life and the like. In addition, the question of the year of construction and the type of engine (gasoline or diesel) arises.
If you drive against a wall, it’s already 35 km/h of scrap. On the highway usually nothing happens at the 150 km/h specified by you if it allows traffic.
You mean 150000km of running performance. Even with the kms, the nowhere stands for 6000€. Maximum as an accident car or engine/getriebe def. But there he is more of the Poles.
If you get 16 years young, you can also drive the desired 125s.
Welcome to Michael
Buy 150 km/h? So while driving on the highway? It’s a bit unusual, but it’s probably feasible.
But I’d buy the car for 6€.
Can’t be said without further information. It can create 150K again or fall apart in the next curve.
At 150 km/h each Mercedes should actually create a curve without falling apart;-)
We’re talking about a value of 150 thousand km/h, that’s funny!
No. 150,000 are not 150,000
if you drive as well as you write then the card is already scraped on the same day.
Before picking up 😉
which car will drive 150,000 km/h???
The T class (T like Troll)
How many times it was driven
What is km/h for?
So what do you mean by the individual letters?
There is 150,000 km/h, so without the descendants just 150. Not 150,000. You have to read the question correctly….
??? the question contains blatant logical errors when you understand it as it stands.
Isn’t that normal for good?
did you notice your mistake?
Kilometers per hour
Do you have any idea what km/h means?
Miles per hour
Okay, then you really think in the question, you don’t know the mileage…
Then the car is SCHROTT – such Mercedes is offered at about 250km/h top speed…
I thought the same thing.