At what weight do others notice that you are gaining weight?
How many extra pounds of fat do you have to gain before others notice?
How many extra pounds of fat do you have to gain before others notice?
es war ein zupfkuchen ; würde sagen 10cm lang und 5cm hoch danke im voraus für alle antworten!
Last week (around Saturday), I made myself a whole frozen burek from the Turkish restaurant. When it was ready, it was smoking a bit, and a lot of the fat was on the bottom of the oven (it was probably quite greasy). Do you have any idea whether it is still flammable after a few…
Most of the time it’s up to 10 kilos, of course it depends on how big you are.
Usually you see the difference from 4-5kg depending on body size.
Depends on the others and on you. If you are extremely thin you notice changes very quickly, you weigh 200kg you have a lot of room to make a difference.
That’s different. I don’t know if I got 5 kg. It’s funny, maybe it’s the clothes.
It depends on the others.
Mostly after having increased by 10 kg